"Yeah, I did," I chuckle. 

"Happy birthday, Kaitlyn."

"Thank you."

Some people start walking up to me and telling me happy birthday-my mom, Shelli, Dave, and my father. Some of the other people I don't even know who they are. But it's the thought that counts. 

After everyone's done taking their turn, they go and do their own thing. I'm still completely taken off guard by what had just happened. 

I seriously thought that Krist had forgotten that it was my birthday. But he did orchestrate a surprise birthday party. It definitely took me by surprise. 

I had the best big brother ever. Ever since he came into my life, he has helped me a tremendous amount and made my life metter-he and Shelli. They both treat me as if they've known me their whole life. 

It really feels like I have. 

"Hey, happy birthday," Kurt suddenly appears before me. 

I chuckle softly. "Hi, I didn't even see you come up to me."

"Yeah, well, it's a gift I have."

"Thank you," I say. "Where's Courtney and Frances?"

"At the house," He replies. "I can't stay here for too long, but I was able to come out here for a little."

I focus on the wording that he chooses to use. Able. He was able to leave. Did he have to have permission first before leaving?

I don't want to ruin the good vibes, so I ignore it. I'm probably thinking too much into it anyway. "That's very kind of you."

"It's the least that I could do."

"Hey, where's Cash?" I ask Krist, suddenly remembering that he's not here. 

"He'll be here in a little," Krist tells me. "He is running a little behind."

"Oh," I nod my head. "Thanks for telling me."

He continues to walk into the kitchen, leaving me alone with Kurt. I look up at him and smile at him softly, unsure of what to do. 

"How old are you now?" He asks, but walks away towards a couch. 

I take that as a sign to follow him and I sit down next to him. "I'm officially 22!"

"Twenty-two, huh?" He raises his eyebrows and smiles. 

I can't help but stare at his smile. He has one of the most beautiful smiles known to man. It astounds me how he doesn't know how handsome he is. 

I shake that thought out of my head and sigh. I shouldn't be thinking like that. "Yeah, twenty-two. There's nothing really special about it."

"You're just that much closer to twenty-five."

"Which is close to thirty."

"Precisely," He takes a sip of his water. 

I stare at the wedding ring on his finger. His ring isn't special in any way; it looks like any other man's wedding ring. I stare at my left ring finger and wish that there was a wedding ring on it to go with Kurt's. 

I internally slap myself, ashamed of myself for thinking these thoughts. I'm in a relationship with someone, yet thinking about being with someone else. On my birthday. 

I notice the song playing in the background and gasp. "I love this song."

"Me too," Kurt agrees. 

"You like ABBA?" 

My Heart is Broke-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now