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Bruce rushed over to see Dolly's blue eyes glowing, "Munchkin? I..."
Dolly heaved a breath, "Glad to see you too Jolly green, but holy Fuck!"
Bruce laughed, "We got babies to deliver."
Loki pushed his way through, "Dolly?! Oh Gods!"
Frigga scooted him out, "Go tell the others she's awake. Bruce are we ready?"
Dolly reached for Loki, "I love you!"
A nurse pushed Loki out as everyone came running, "She's awake... She's in active labor now..."
Loki slid to the floor in tears. Bucky stepped back; Nat and Steve hugged him.
Thor bent to his brother, "Your lady is strong brother... So will your children be."
Dolly sat up as Frigga sat behind her, "You can do this push Dolly push."
Bruce looked up, "I see a head! Wanda have a blanket ready!"
Dolly pushed and grunted and screamed... Finally a cry was heard, "It's a baby boy!" Bruce handed off the baby to Wanda to clean up weigh and measure.
Dolly panted, "Is he ok... I want to hold him!"
Frigga kissed her temple, "Not yet you still have work to do."
Bruce let a soft curse fall, "Shit. Baby girl is turned around. Dolly I know you want to push, but don't. I need to try and fix baby girl ok?"
Dolly let tears fall, "I can't... Bruce... I..."
Frigga whispered a spell, "Stay strong and be ready to push..."
Bruce turned baby girl around, "Now Munchkin push!"
Dolly used all her remain strength and pushed.
Soon another cry was added to the room.
Bruce held her up, "It's a girl!"
Vision rushed over and took the baby. Dolly leaned back against Frigga, "I did it... I did it."
Frigga smiled, "You did my sweet girl."
Wanda and Vision brought them over, "I think they're ready to meet mommy."
Dolly cried with joy; 2 squirming little blue bundles were laid on her lap, "Hey there... I'm your momma... Where's Loki?"
As if on cue Loki walked in, "There here?"
Dolly smiled, "Come meet your children my didi."
Loki slowly scooted Dolly over and sat beside her looking at his babies, "They're beautiful."
Nat peeked her head in, "Can we come in?"
Dolly nodded.
Bucky made it over first and kissed her head, "You had us worried Doll."
Dolly nodded, "I'm sorry daddy. You know me though always gotta keep you on your toes."
She sniffled, "Do you want to hold your granddaughter?"
Bucky nodded. Nat looked over his shoulder, "What's her name?"
Dolly smiled. Loki stood holding baby boy, "Her name is Natalia Ann Lokisdottier."
Nat froze, "Say again?"
Loki grinned as Bucky handed her the little baby girl and Steve walked over kissing Nat's cheek, "He said Natalia Ann."
Nat blinked, "You named her after me?"
Dolly grinned, "Yes and that little guy is Winter Wolf Grant Lokison."
Both Steve and Bucky looked up, "Dolly?"
Loki handed Steve the baby boy, "Thank you for my beautiful family mijn liefde." Loki softly kissed her.
Bucky wiped his eyes and watched as Winter's blue skin faded into a healthy pink. Nat cooed over Natalia as she too faded to a rosy hue.
Steve laughed, "You did it princess."
Dolly closed her eyes, "I know I was sleeping, but I think I need a nap."
Loki kissed her again rest well my love; I'll wake you when they get hungry."
Dolly nodded.
Steve and Nat laid the sleeping babies down. Nat wiped her eyes, "She named them after us... She's..."
Bucky looked back and smiled, "She always was our hope."
Loki looked up to his mother, "Thank you for helping."
Frigga kissed his cheek, "She has her divinity and will recover quickly."
Loki sighed in relief, "We'll bring the babies to visit soon."
Dolly softly snored making both laugh, "After she was healed and the babies are cleared for travel."
Frigga left for home leaving Loki to watch over his family.

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