Wedding Banquet

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The room shouted a cheer as Loki and Dolly enter the reception area.
"Ladies and Gentlemen the bride and groom!" Peter announced and started to play the song for the first dance.

Loki leaned in and kissed Dolly deeply, "I love you my precious Midgardian."
Dolly blushed, "And I  love you my handsome Prince of Mischief."
Dolly swayed with him to the music.
After a moment Bucky tapped Loki on the shoulder, "May I?"
Loki nodded and handed Bucky Dolly's hand as the song changed.

Bucky brushed a stray lock of her hair and looked into his daughter's eyes, "It was just yesterday I was bringing you home to the tower and trying to figure out how I was going to raise a tiny baby."
Dolly blinked tears away, "You gave me the best life daddy. What other little girl could say she got play house with the Avengers?"
Bucky laughed, "You have a heart of gold. You never had hate in your heart and always looked for the good in everyone."
Dolly fanned her face trying not to cry, "That's how you raised me. You showed me how to love."
Dolly laughed, "Do you remember Mrs. Butcher?"
Bucky laughed, "Hateful cun-"
Dolly chuckled, "Language daddy."
Steve and Nat danced up beside them, "Switch?"
Bucky chuckled and started dancing with Steve making everyone laugh. Nat shook her head, "I wonder why I am even here sometimes."
Both men kissed Nat's cheeks, "We could have done this with out you Natty."
Steve took Dolly's hand and began to dance with her as the song changed.

Steve smiled, "You look beautiful princess."
Dolly smiled, "Thanks Steve."
Steve danced with her and sighed looking around the room, "You might not realize it, but you're the reason a lot of us are here today."
Dolly chuckled, "It is my wedding after all."
Steve shook his head, "Well yeah, but you brought hope and love with you." Steve kissed her forehead, "You're a gift from God for sure."
Dolly hugged him tight, "Steve you and Nat were always there for me. You guys are my other mom and dad."
Steve blinked back tears, "I know I couldn't have asked for a better daughter."
The music ended and the couple was lead to their table for dinner as speeches were made.

Thor sang a song to Loki that had everyone laughing.
"Please my darling let me stab him." Loki begged.
Dolly shook her head no as she kissed his cheek.
Wanda gave her speech, "Dolly never once gave up hope in anyone or anything. I am honored to call her friend. May they always know happiness."
Dolly hugged Wanda tightly, "You are an amazing friend."
Soon it was time to cut the cake. Loki and Dolly grinned mischievously at each other and went to feed each other a piece when instead they smashed it into Thor's face.
Thor's laugh boomed through the room.
Dolly tossed her bouquet and Wanda caught it. She blushed as Vision looked shyly away.
Loki took his time removing Dolly's garter using his magic to tease her. Dolly tried not to show how he was making her feel. Standing with it in his hand he whispered, "Oh the things I will do later."
Dolly blushed.
Loki tossed the garter and Bruce caught it. His eyes went wide, "Oh?!"
A buxom blonde who came as part of the royal guard winked at him.
Loki took Dolly's hand, "Are you ready for the honeymoon?"
Dolly grinned, "Since I said I do."

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