The rise of the machines

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As the party wore down it was just Dolly and her Avenger family.
Dolly sat next to Loki with her hand in his. Nat noticed and raised her eyebrow. Bucky scowled. Steve shrugged and nodded.
Tony poured another drink, "Let's play truth or dare."
Everyone agreed. Loki tilted his head, "I am unfamiliar with this."
Dolly sighed, "It's a children's party game that my family loves dearly to try and out embarrass each other."
Sam chuckled, "Ah... Come on it's fun."
Dolly rolled her eyes, "Says the man I had to walk to bed last time because you were dared to do a half shot of Asguardian ale... Not whiskey mind you, but ale."
Sam blushed. Steve kissed Nat then sat by Thor, "Speaking of... Thor?"
Thor took out his flask and poured something in Steve's glass.
Tony smiled, "Good it's agreed. I'll go first..."
Tony had an evil gleam to his eye, "Loki... Truth or dare?"
Loki grinned, "I am a god mischief... Dare."
Tony smiled widely, "Alright... I dare you to show us your best pick on Dolly."
Dolly blushed. Loki grinned eagerly. Bucky shifted uncomfortably.
Nat sighed, "Oh boy..."
Loki stood and took Dolly's hand as she sat, "May I?"
Dolly wasn't sure what he was asking, but she agreed.
Loki smiled as he placed a gentle kiss on the inside of her wrist.
To those who watched it seemed boring, but to Dolly? She felt the gentle press of lips not just on her wrist, but across her whole body.
Her cheeks flushed and suddenly it was only her and Loki, "Loki what... What did you do?"
Loki smiled, "A bit of magic. We're still in the room with the Avengers, but they cannot see or hear us... Or this..."
He pulled her closer deeply kissing her. Dolly melted into him.
Loki pulled back and rest his forehead against hers, "I suppose I should bring us back..."
Dolly grinned, "Oh my didi... You're gonna be a handful."
Loki chuckled as he kissed her again before breaking the spell.
Loki stepped back smiling letting go of Dolly's hand; a very pleased smile on his face, "Dolly?" Nat called her name. Dolly blushed and hid her face elbowing Loki in his side as he sat back down.
The room laughed. Bucky rolled his eyes, "Don't flirt in front of me... I'm having a hard enough time not choking him."
Dolly laughed, "Please... Dad; you Nat and Steve are always flirting with each other."
Steve blushed as Nat tried to hide her smile. Bucky grinned, "Not my fault they both are cute when they blush."
Dolly stood and hugged her father laughing, "And incredibly weird. None of my friends' parents are as in love as you 3."
Nat leaned her head on Bucky's shoulder, "Well... There's a lot of love here."
A deep voice rang out, "What do you know of love? What would any of you know of love?"
The room turned to see a robot half put together stagger forward, "You're all killers..."
The robot landed it's gaze on Dolly, "Not you though... Oddity that you are Dolly Barnes."
Dolly froze, "Who are you?"
The robot played a clip

Bruce looked over to Tony, "Ultron?"
The robot swiveled it's head, "Peace in our time... How nobel."
Suddenly dozens of robots attacked.
Dolly was momentarily stunned as a robot ran at her. Thor tossed mjilnor at it; Dolly shook herself and nodded at him.
Loki rushed to her as she ducked a metal fist and grabbed the arm yanking it from the joint.
"Are you alright?" Loki looked her over.
Dolly nodded, "Just peachy."
Bucky rushed over, "Loki get her out of here."
Dolly turned to object, "Dad no I can help."
Bucky's eyes looked pissed as he handed her a gun, "You been to the range recently?"
Dolly rolled her eyes, "You know I have."
Bucky looked to Loki, "You cover her."
Dolly checked the weapon and nodded, "Happy birthday to me."
Loki smiled, "Happy birthday my little Midgardian."
Dolly and Loki engaged the multiple robots along with her family, but there was someone watching from the shadows.
Finally the siege ended, "What the fuck was that about?" Dolly looked at Tony and Bruce.
Steve frowned, "Language baby girl, but really; what the Fuck?"
Tony and Bruce shook their heads, "Ultron was a failed project we gave up on years ago. We haven't touched it... Tony..."
Bruce sighed looking at his friend.
Tony hysterically laughed, "I just looked at it... Tried a random idea... I..."
The room sighed. Nat came around, "Well we gotta find out where it went."
In the lab they discovered that Ultron not only came to life, but dissimated Jarvis.
Tony and Dolly were both devastated, "He was my first friend."
Tony wiped his eyes, "It looks like Ultron deleted all the databases."
Dolly spotted something playing on repeat, "I don't think he did it alone."
Everyone looked at the monitor. A familiar face was seen turning on everything, "Is that..."

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