Dolly asks hard questions

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Dolly pouted. She was looking at a book. Everyone had a mommy and a daddy. She didn't have a mommy and daddy. She had a daddy, a Nat and a Steve[Teef].
Dolly took the book and went looking for one of her people.
She found Nat knitting on the couch. "Nat... How come I don't have a mommy?"
Nat froze. She thought of herself of the little girl's mother; she was her official godmother, but still, "Sweet heart what do you mean?"
Dolly sighed and climbed up on the couch, "In my books everyone has a mommy and a daddy. When I go play at the park all da kids have mommies and daddies... Well accept Joey he has 2 daddies."
Nat gave her a soft smile. She wasn't sure if Bucky would be ok with her answering, but she could not leave her baby with questions, "Come here Dolly."
Nat put away the knitting and cuddled her, "You my little kletska[dumpling] very much have a mother. Her name was Eveanna and she loved you so very much."
Dolly looked up at her sad, "Where did she go?"
Nat's heart hurt, "Well..."
Bucky came into the room followed by Steve. Bucky sat to one side and Steve the other.
Bucky took Dolly and sat her in his lap and pulled Nat closer and motioned for Steve to sit closer too. He swallowed, "Baby girl your mommy she died."
Dolly blinked, "Died?"
Bucky's heart ached, "When you were just a baby some bad people they... They hurt her and she..."
Bucky had tears running down his cheeks, "She died because they hurt her."
Dolly hugged her daddy, "Like Bambi's mommy?"
Steve reached over and brushed Dolly's hair, "Yeah like Bambi's mommy."
Dolly turned to face Nat and Steve, "How come they hurted her?"
Nat wiped her tears, "We don't know kletska."
Bucky kissed his daughter's head, "I know you don't remember her, but she did love you so very much."
Dolly looked at Bucky, "So... I only have a daddy?"
Steve stood and sat on the other side of Bucky and Dolly, "Oh sweet heart you have a wonderful daddy, but you don't just have a daddy. You have your very own Nat who loves you more than her peanut butter and jelly."
Dolly giggled as he tickled her.
Nat blushed, "And you have your very own Steve who loves who more than his shield."
Nat kissed her cheek. Bucky grinned, "You have a very special family Doll and we all love you to the moon and back."
Dolly smiled. She did have a mommy and she had a Nat and a Steve. Her daddy was right; her family was special and no one was more loved than Dolly Barnes.

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