Planning baby's 1st birthday and Eveanna's secret past

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Dolly toddled over to Bucky with her favorite book, " 'ead me dada."
Bucky tried not to roll his eyes as he has read the same book 100 times.
"Ok Doll, but how bout we read this one?" He randomly picked one.
Dolly's eyes filled with tears, "Nooo!"
Not the sad face! Bucky's heart always broke when she would start to cry, "Ok ok Doll we'll read this one."

Dolly sniffled and snuggled into her daddy's lap. Mommy use to read it to her every night. She missed her mommy and wondered if she'd ever come back. Snuggled into her daddy's lap she patted his cold metal arm and sucked her thumb.
Bucky kissed the top of her head as he read.
Steve stood in the door and watched his best friend with his daughter. Dolly Barnes and been with them for almost 2 months and would be turning 1 in a few weeks.
They should have a party for her. Not a big Tony Stark party, but something to mark the occasion.
Bucky put Dolly to bed then met Steve in the hall, "Hey I just got Doll to sleep."
Steve smirked, "I noticed she didn't let you read a different one."
Bucky chuckled, "I know. She loves the ABC and 123 book Nat picked out and the color one you got her, but at bed or nap it's gotta be Poky puppy."
Steve used that as a chance, "Maybe for her first birthday we could do a Poky Puppy theme."
Bucky stopped, "She'd love it, but who would come?"
Steve smiled, "All the important people who love and care about her."
Bucky shyly grinned and thought of all the people who adored his little girl. Steve and Nat were always there for her. Pepper would keep her if he had a small 1 day mission. Tony made a mobile to hang over her crib that played music. Bruce would chase her around making her giggle. Peter who was still basically a baby [14 isn't a baby Mr. Bucky sir," he'd object] would lay on her blanket and play with her or read to her. He could not forget Sam who when he met Dolly would not give her up until she made a "dookie" to rival a grown man.
Bucky blinked, "Yeah... Ok let's."

A few days later Bucky is struggling with Dolly's hair. Nat came in, "Need a hand?"
Bucky looked up, "Haha. I thought she'd look cute with a braid, but her curls are kicking my ass."
Nat laughed and took the brush from him, "Keep her on your lap."
Nat sat behind Dolly as she sat on Bucky's lap, "Steve told me we're gonna have a party for little princess."
Bucky held Dolly's hands, "Yeah. I can't believe I wasn't there..."
Bucky blinked sadly. Nat kissed his cheek, "You're here now... That's all that matters."
Suddenly Dolly yelled, "Teef!" And scrambled off Bucky's lap and ran to Steve.
"Hey pumpkin. Beautiful hair; Nat lovely work." Steve grinned as he sat on Bucky's other side with Dolly, "Looking this good we gotta show you off."
Bucky sighed, "Steve..."
Steve sighed, "Come on..."
Nat chuckled, "I say day out."
Bucky stood and took Dolly back, "Fine... Where too?"
Steve grinned, "The aquarium."
Nat and Bucky held Dolly's hands as Steve pushed the empty stroller. Dolly was tall for her age, but still had the baby walking stumbles. Nat picked her up and tickled her tummy, "How can you be so tall and tiny at the same time."
Dolly giggled as Bucky shook his head, "Eveanna was a tiny thing. I mean she had curves, but she was barely chest high on me."
Nat nodded. They all had met Eveanna once when Bucky took them to the bar she worked at. She was proud of her friend for asking her out and so sad when he said she called it off. Nat remembered a small plump girl who had a beautiful smile. Steve and Nat both leaned over and hugged Bucky as he took his daughter, "No sad thoughts today guys ok?"
Both nodded.
Dolly loved the baby sting rays and would dance and wiggle in Bucky's arms when ever they came up to the glass.
Bucky passed her to Steve as they came to the octopus 🐙. His anxiety spiked as the sea animal resemblance to the Hydra symbol made him recall his time as their asset and though Shuri had removed the ability to trigger him into the Winter Soldier the trauma was still there. He didn't want his little girl to feel that in him.
Nat held her friend's hand as they walked by and offered comfort; to passerbys it might look like a sweet moment between a couple, but that was the idea as people were uncomfortable with PDA so they'd look away. Nat was skilled at blending in.
Steve sighed wishing there was more he could do; that's when Dolly giggled, "Teef! 'Ook!" and saw something she found funny.
He understood in that moment the best thing he could do for his friend was keep his little girl safe, "I see pumpkin."
Leaving the aquarium Dolly was ready for her afternoon nap and was already dozing. Nat sat in the back as Steve drove and Bucky sat up front, "Ok so going out was a good thing. I'm just super nervous about-"
Steve chuckled, "Lots of new parents are. And you're doing great."
Bucky turn his head to see not just Dolly napping, but Nat had closed her eyes too, "Think we wore our girls out?"
Steve looked in the rear view and laughed, "Nat'll be up all night now."
Bucky smiled, "I'm sure you can handle it."
Steve blushed, "I might need help. She's a handful."
Bucky blushed and swallowed, "I..."
Steve patted his knee, "Invitation is always there."
Bucky bit his lip and shyly held Steve's hand, "Thanks."
Steve looked back and saw Nat with her eyes cracked open and a mischievous smile. She mouthed thank you and blew him a kiss before going back to her nap.
The day after the trip to the aquarium Bucky was fixing Dolly and him some lunch, "As I live and breathe it is true. Sargent Barnes is a father."
Bucky looked behind him and saw a tall black man wearing an eye patch, "Director Fury what do I owe the honor?"
Fury gave him a tense smile, "We need a chat about Eveanna."
Bucky froze, "How do you know about-never mind your Nick Fury you have your ways."
Eveanna was 16 as her father dragged her into the lab, "You stupid little brat."
Eveanna's face was tear stained, "I'm sorry da please don't... I won't do it again."
A man in a white lab coat looked up, "I see you found her Rumlow."
Rumlow sighed as he threw her into an empty cell, "I think she had help this time. My men found her at the edge of the wood."
Eveanna cried, "I was going to come back... I swear."
Rumlow smacked her, "Don't FUCKING lie! You're just like your whore mother."
The man in the white lab coat sighed, "Now Rumlow she is just a child."
Rumlow growled slamming the cell door and stomped off.
The man bent down, "Oh sweet child. I told you to keep running and not stop for anything."
Eveanna wept, "I can't keep doing this Jasper. You know what they are going to..."
Jasper believed in Hydra, but poor Eveanna was just a child.
A child born with a unique ability to feel no pain and unable to be brain washed.
Priece and Rumlow and made the choice to try and use her to enhance the next generation of assets, but at what cost?
Jasper made a call, "I need your help."
2 years later:
Jasper tried to calmly push the laundry cart. "Got you doing grunt work now huh Dr. Hall?"
Jasper chuckled, "Well, we all gotta work for the cause."
Jasper pushed the laundry cart to the laundry truck where a dark haired woman and a man with an eye patch was loading other carts, "I'm glad I caught you. This cart was getting ripe enough to walk on it's own."
The woman nodded as the man with the eye patch looked over it, "Woo you're right. Well we'll get it washed."
Fury sat with Bucky as he told him about how he helped to get Eveanna out, "We got her set up with a job and she was doing fine. When I heard she was murdered... I did my own investigation; That's why I hadn't made contact yet and it really was a fluke."
Bucky looked over to Dolly who had just made a mess of herself with banana. He stood to begin clean her up, "Did you know that she was-"
Fury sighed, "Not until I heard of her death."
Bucky nodded, "Thanks for telling me."
Fury stood, "Eveanna had a rare genetic condition called CIP:Congenital insensitivity to pain. On top of that she couldn't be mind controlled or wiped. Dolly may have that as well."
Bucky held his daughter closer, "I... I'll see if Bruce will run tests."
Fury nodded then paused, "You're a good man Barnes and you're doing a good job raising your daughter."
Bucky just nodded.
Left alone in the kitchen Bucky held Dolly, "No one will ever hurt you."

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