Follow the Yellow brick road

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Dolly began walking the path. It was eerie and quiet. She passed the time talking out loud to the babies, "Ok so your Auntie Hela and Nana Eve seem to think that this journey will turn me into a goddess. I don't know of what."
Dolly paused feeling the babies kick, "Oh... Don't get excited yet my little mischief makers."
Walking on Dolly tried to keep calm, "You know this is what they call a hero's journey...."
Dolly babbled about distracting herself by singing, "Follow the yellow brick road..."

Loki and Bucky sat beside Dolly's bed as Bruce checked her vitals, "There is some improvement. Let me know if you need anything."
Both nodded.
Frigga and Nat brought in some food, "You guys need to eat."
Frigga checked on Dolly, "You're doing well so brave little one."
Loki looked up, "Mother?"
Frigga smiled, "My son... There's something you must know..."
Bucky and Nat looked up as Frigga motioned for them to stay, "You should know this as well Sargent."
Nat blinked, "Should I get Steve?"
Frigga held Dolly's hand, "Yes. She should have her whole family know the tale."
A very very long time ago there was a brave warrior called Beowulf. Beowulf was said to be a son of the god Vili or Vè[Odin's brothers gods of Wit and of Numen].
Beowulf was the hero of Geats known for facing monsters and villainous men.
One such monster was a son of Ymir called Grendel; devouror of men.
And this is where our story begins...
Grendel hated anything that brought joy and happiness. He plagued the mead hall of Heorot for 12 years nightly killing any and all who dared to raise a voice in celebration.
It was said that he did this because the daughter of the king rejected his advances and attacked her wedding feast first vowing, "Not a single smile or laugh shall be seen or heard until he himself was the groom."
Now the king was a desperate man. His land had sunk into disappear and mourning. His advisors pleaded with him to give in and give Grendel his bride, but the king had no other daughters.
The advisors being cunning went to the kitchens and found a scullery maid who had no mother or father, "Your highness claim this girl as your daughter and give her as the bride."
The girl had eyes of a stormy sea and hair the color of weathered oak. Her name was Ingrid.
The king agreed and word was sent through out the lands about the wedding of Princess Ingrid to the Devouror of men Grendel.
Ingrid was not without family and sent word to her cousin Bür a man in Beowulf's band of warriors.
Upon hearing what was planned for the girl Beowulf and his men headed to Heorot.
"Promise me the hand of the girl and I shall kill this monster."
The king agreed.
Though it was not an easy or quick win Beowulf killed Grendel claiming Ingrid as his own bride.
At the wedding all of Heorot and Geats celebrated and it was revealed that Ingrid was no ordinary scullery maid.
She was in reality Lofn the goddess and giver of Hope.
She and Beowulf had many sons, but only 1 daughter; who had a daughter who had a daughter and so forth until one of the daughters bore a son...
Frigga smiled softly at Bucky, "And that son who fought so hard for his hope had a daughter who was destined to become the new goddess and giver of hope."
Bucky looked over to his daughter... To his hope and knew she was a fighter and that she wouldn't give up.
Dolly kept walking unaware she was being stalked.

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