The Claim

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Loki slowly stalked Dolly, "Your last chance to change your mind sweetling... When I claim you completely there will be no going back, you will be mine."
Dolly licked her lips as she watched the man; no the God walk towards her, "Silly God... I was always yours."
Loki cornered her and traced a finger over her jaw tipping her chin up to meet his gaze. In her eyes he saw the raw innocent desire there. Dolly's blue eyes shone like sapphire gems, "I am unworthy of the gift you offer Dolly Barnes."
Dolly boldly stepped into him her eyes never leaving his. She had always been enchanted by his eyes; sometimes an icy cold blue and at others a green so dark it could be mistaken for black and rarely a red like rubies. Now though were that dark green, "Since it is my gift to give I decide who is worthy."
Dolly stood on tip toe to whisper against his lips, "I have wanted this for a long time my prince..."
She laid a gentle chaste kiss at the corner of his smile and stepped back.
Loki encircled her in his arms keeping her close, "You are a temptation mijn liefde."
He caught her mouth in a hungry kiss letting his hands explore her body.
Dolly softly moaned her hands sliding to the waist of Loki's trousers.
He caught her hands, "Not yet little Midgardian... I want you well and truly lost to pleasure before me."
Dolly blushed as Loki grinned, "Ah the blush on your cheeks is a maddening aphrodisiac."
Loki whispered, "I am curious to see if you blush everywhere."
Dolly bit her lip, "You'll have to undress me to find out."
Loki pulled her close, "Is that an invitation?" He trailed a hand up her leg raising the hem of the sun dress high above her knees.
Dolly blinked and swallowed nodding her head.
Loki smiled, "I need your words little Midgardian."
Dolly stood on tip toe pulling Loki into a heated hungry kiss, "Yes... It's an invitation."
Loki growled low as his hands lifted her dress higher and higher until it was removed. He caught his breath as she stood before him. She wore no bra and her lacy panties were like a bow on a present.
Dolly tried to cover herself self conscious of her near nudity.
Loki stopped her, "You are beautiful my love."
Loki grinned seeing that she did blush everywhere.
He swooped her up making her squeak and laid her on his bed. Above her he did not hesitate to explore her.
Trailing kisses over her shoulders down her chest Loki carefully cupped and caressed her breasts.
Dolly sighed and cooed tangling her fingers in his hair as he slid a hand to her panty waist, "I have longed to taste you my sweetling..."
Loki whispered as he eased the lacy garment down and off.
Dolly bit her lip, "Loki..."
He laid beside her kissing her as one of his agile fingers teased her slit, "Already so wet and eager my pet."
Dolly watched mesmerized as he licked the finger that teased her, "Mmm I bet you're sweeter at the source."
Loki made himself comfy between her thighs and kissed up one leg then the other laying a briefly innocent kiss at the top of her mound all while one hand explored her growing wetness.
Dolly arced into his touch feeling the build up. This was nothing like the time she let Matt touch her and certainly more than the few moments she allowed herself to play and imagine what it would be like with him...
Loki chuckled, "Oh I assure you pet your imagination is something that I would love to explore..."
Dolly blushed, "No fair peering into my mind."
Loki sat up and captured her lips, "I can't help it. You think such imaginative things."
Dolly shook her head smiling, "Then you should undress and feed my imagination."
Loki smirked, "Oh... So eager."
Using his magic Loki undressed himself, "Better sweetling?"
Dolly gulped. He was exquisite. She traced her hands over him, "You're beautiful Loki."
He watched her and saw true admiration in her eyes.
Dolly smiled up at him, "Make me yours Loki..."
Grinning back Loki kissed her, "With pleasure."
Loki trailed kisses over Dolly's body settling himself between her legs again detrimed to bring her nothing but pleasure.
Using careful skill he began using his fingers and tongue to tease her.
Dolly let herself fall into the intense erotic waves Loki was creating with in her.
When the first orgasm hit her Dolly called out his name like a prayer.
Loki nearly came hearing her. He sat up his face glistening with her wetness and stroked himself, "Are you ready for me mijn liefde?"
Dolly blinked. He was thick, long and ready. She nodded, "Please... I need you."
Loki teased her sensitive nub making her catch her breath as a mini wave washed over her. Using that distraction he slid deep into her claiming her body for his, "I claim you Dolly Barnes I claim you as mine."
Dolly's eyes opened and her smile was angelical, "I claim you Loki God of mischief prince of my heart I claim you as mine."
Loki bent to capture her lips and began to pump in and out of his lover, "You were always meant to be mine."
Dolly couldn't fight back the waves of orgasms hitting her. She held Loki tight and kissed his shoulders and chest. As he rode her harder pushing her to her limits; Dolly's nails dug into him and she bit his shoulder making Loki growl and groan with pleasure.
Loki let go of his control and pinned Dolly still, "I am going to fill you with my seed making you mine."
Dolly gasped, "Yes God Loki please!"
That was all he needed to hear to push him over the edge, "Dolly!"
Her name was an oath and prayer as he filled her with his release.
Breathless Loki pulled Dolly into his side, "Stay with me tonight."
Dolly kissed him, "Always."

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