New job

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Dolly closed her laptop and sat back sighing. Bucky came in and sat beside her, "Still no answer?"
She shook her head, "I know I passed; I just..."
Bucky kissed her head, "You hate waiting. You're like me that way."
Dolly smiled and cuddled into her father, "Dad do you think I'll be a good teacher?"
Bucky smirked, "Doll you loved to play school as a little girl... Do you remember the time you tried to teach the Iron Legion how to hop scotch?"
Dolly laughed, "Tony was so mad. He came in and found like 15 robots hopping on one foot."
A ding came from the laptop and Dolly looked to it then Bucky, "Go on Doll..."
Dolly opened it and check her email
Dolly looked up and squealed, "I did it! Daddy I did it!"
Both jumped up and hugged, "Baby girl I am so proud of you!"
Nat and Steve walked in. Steve smiled, "Good news?"
Dolly hugged him, "I passed my boards. I'm a licensed teacher!"
Nat hugged her tight, "Oh Dolly!"
Beaming Dolly hugged her parents, "I gotta tell Loki!"
Bucky chuckled as she ran off, "There she goes... The first one of us to graduate college."
Dolly ran down the hall to the main room. She found Wanda and Pietro talking to Peter, "I DID IT!"
They looked up. Wanda smiled, "You passed?"
Dolly nodded and hugged her, "I am on my way to tell Loki."
Peter grinned and hugged her, "I am so proud of you hun."
Pietro smiled, "You're a good teacher princessa."
Dolly swallowed a lump in her throat, "Thanks... I really hope so."
Dolly continued on her way looking for Loki.
Dolly ran passed the lab as Tony, Bruce and Vision were working on a project, "Hey half pint where you running off too?" Tony called out.
Dolly paused, "I passed my boards I am on my way to find Loki and tell him."
Bruce hugged her, "Dolly that's great news!"
Vision gave a smile, "Congratulations Miss Barnes."
Tony smirked, "We'll throw a party to celebrate."
Dolly giggled and hugged him, "As if you needed a reason. I gotta find Loki."
Loki was training with Thor in the gym when he felt a tingle through the soul bond he and Dolly shared. He smiled knowing something made her extremely happy.

Thor chuckled as he paused the sparing, "What has you smiling so brother?"
Loki went to answer when Dolly came running in, "LOKI! I DID IT I PASSED!"
Loki smiled and caught his soulmate spinning her around, "Oh mijn liefde that is wonderful! I am so proud of you!"
Thor beamed a bright smile, "My sincere congratulations Lady Dolly."
Dolly smiled and rested her head on Loki's shoulder, "Thank Thor. I am so excited. With everything that had happened recently I was worried I might not..."
Loki pulled her closer. It had been roughly 10 months since Ultron. He knew his little Midgardian still felt anxiety over it. He kissed her temple, "We should celebrate."
Dolly kissed him, "I'd like that. Tony wants to throw a party; and he will, but yeah... Something small just for us."
Bucky walked into the gym just then, "How about Loki and Thor come to dinner?"
Dolly grinned, "Yes! A mini family dinner. Your family[she pointed to Thor] and mine."
Loki saw pure love in her eyes, "Alright my darling... Thor and I will clean up. Sargent what time should we arrive?"
Bucky mused, "8ish?"
Loki nodded. Thor clapped his brother's shoulder, "We shall be there with bells on as they say."
Dolly kissed Loki deeply, "I love you my didi."
Loki chuckled, "And I you my little Midgardian."
Bucky tried to not be icked out, but his little girl was happy and that's all that mattered.
Dolly left with Bucky, "I guess I can start applying for teaching positions."

Bucky's BabyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin