You kidnapped the wrong girl

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Dolly was sitting in the big main room after everyone went to bed several nights after the attack. She snuck a glass of scotch and sipped it, "I know you're there."
She looked over and saw Bucky in the shadows, "You shouldn't be drinking Doll."
Dolly chuckled, "It's Tony's 100 yr old scotch; sorta tastes like caramel."
Bucky took the glass and sipped, "Whew that is good."
Bucky sat next to her, "I didn't get a chance yet to tell you how well you held your own the other night."
Dolly took another sip, "I don't think I'm all that great of a shot."
Bucky chuckled, "You hit where you were aiming though."
Dolly leaned on her father's shoulder, "Is Steve ok? He's been pulling back a lot."
Bucky wrapped an arm around her, "He will be... Doll... You're young and as much as you think you might be-"
Dolly cut him off, "Dad... I get it... You know I really do. I mean you got put through hell because of-" Dolly's voice cracked, "These assholes have tortured everyone I care about... Mom... You Steve Nat. I'm not letting them get away with it."
Bucky kissed the top of her head, "You're just like Steve."
Dolly chuckled, "No... I'm like you. I'll fight to protect my family till the end."
Dolly set the glass down, "I did some digging and think I found a bread crumb."
Dolly reached for a file, "I really hate how life seems to circle around and around."
Bucky opened the file, "Fucking hell Doll..."
Inside was a picture of Zemo with Hydra scientist Strucker.
Dolly sniffled and grabbed the bottle of scotch, "It seems Zemo is his cousin... On his mother's side."
Bucky tried to maintain his composure as Dolly poured another glass, "Seems like we should talk to our old friend."
Dolly stood her ground, "I should go and question him."
Steve shook his head, "No... Dolly I love you, but you are in no way-"
Dolly tried to control her mood. She didn't want to say something she'd regret, "Don't say it's because I am too young or naïve."
Steve sighed, "Dolly... You're both of those things, but that's not why you shouldn't go... Zemo... He gets into people's heads. It's why Agent Hill is going. She's not close to the situation and hasn't interacted with him."
Bucky sat back. He agreed with Steve about Dolly, but that was no reason he couldn't go.
Dolly sighed, "Fine."
Dolly grabbed her coat. Bucky sat up, "Doll where you going?"
Dolly paused, "I need to take a walk."
Dolly looked at her family and smiled, "I promise. I am just taking a walk."
Steve hugged her, "We just worry about you."
Dolly hugged him back, "Don't worry too much; you'll go gray."
Nat chuckled, "Don't stay out too late."
Dolly rolled her eyes.
In the hallway to the elevator Dolly was startled, "Hello darling."
"Jesus Christ on a hat stand!" Dolly jumped.
Loki grinned, "Wrong pantheon pet."
Dolly sighed and went on tip toe to kiss him, "Join me for a walk?"
The 2 walked hand in hand, "I know that they are doing what they think is right..."
Loki pulled her close, "You want a piece of him too."
Dolly blushed, "I've been told petty isn't pretty."
Loki grinned, "On the contrary petty can be fun, but not when you could be at risk."
Loki kissed her again, "Come on let's get you home."
Loki dropped Dolly off. Entering Dolly called out, "I'm home guys."
It was quiet and eerily so, "Guys? Dad? Steve? Nat?"
An unfamiliar voice answered, "They're all out... Chasing a goose."
Dolly tried to still her beating heart, "They'll be sorry that they missed you."
The voice stepped out of the shadows, "Dolly... It isn't nice to lie."
She tried to remain calm; she found Steve's atlas and flipped through casually "It's not a lie... You just misinterpreted the meaning." Slowly Dolly made her way around the room, "Nice upgrade on the body by the way; very shiny... Is it courtesy of Strucker?"
Ultron stepped in her path blocking her from the panic button, "Don't do this Dolly... I came back for you... My friend."
Dolly stepped back, "Friends don't attack their friends' family."
Ultron made a sigh, "The Avengers are the sickness... I am the cure."
Dolly froze; anger colored her vision, "You will not harm my family!"
She charged at Ultron, but found herself suddenly bound; looking up she saw a blonde man and a red headed woman standing next to Ultron, "I had hoped you'd come willing, but I see they've poisoned your mind. Wanda will fix that and then we can begin healing."
Dolly bit her lip trying to decide if she should break free, but the woman called Wanda pushed energy at her making her black out.
Wanda's breath caught as she looked at her brother. Something was not right. Perhaps they trusted the wrong one in this Ultron.
Earlier when Dolly was on her walk:
Tony's new AI Friday altered to forces attacking lower Eastside.
Everyone assembled to defend.
Bucky was the first to notice something off, "Steve... They're illusions..."
Thor landed beside Bucky, "The Sargent is right... It's is not too dissimilar to Loki's magic, but it is not him."
Tony was given a second alert an incoming message from Agent Hill.
"Zemo claims his cousin Strucker has been working to create enhanced humans and succeeded with a set of Sokovian twins Pietro and Wanda Maxinoff."
Agent Hill sighed, "Pietro has a hyper speed ability, but Wanda has the ability to manipulate minds, create illusions and other metaphysical talents; like forcing open the tesseract."
Steve cursed, "Shit! We gotta get back to the tower."
Loki ran out meeting the team as they returned, "Is Dolly with you?! I went to see if she wanted to share a meal..." He was panicked.
Bucky ran to their apartment, "DOLL!" He called out, but no sign.
Everyone piled in. Steve spotted something, "Buck!"
A book laid open to a picture of the Pontic moutians.
Nat blinked, "Our girl is smart."
Bucky nodded, "They took her to Sokivian."

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