Loki and the little Midgardian

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Loki sighed and shook his head going to the cot to check on the girl. She looked like a porcelain doll. Dark brown hair that had been in a braid, but now was tangled in a  mess.
Loki tried to gently wake her. Surely her parents would be missing her.
Bucky stared at Rumlow as Agent Coulson interviewed him, "So... You're saying that you're Dolly's grandfather?"
Rumlow sneered, "Run the DNA."
Bucky suddenly lurched forward, "I do not care if you're God himself where is my daughter!!!"
Coulson tried to calm him down. Rumlow laughed, "What's the matter soldier scared Zemo will tell the brat all about you?"
Bucky's blood ran cold.
Steve came in and pulled Bucky out, "Come on."
Rumlow muttered, "Eveanna's mother was a just a Red room reject. Sold to Hydra as a brood mare. The stupid girl was a fluke couldn't be mind controlled couldn't feel physical pain, but just wouldn't comply. Dr. Hall had a soft spot for her. You remember Dr. Hall soldier?"
Bucky's eyes flashed fire as Rumlow laughed, "Yeah you do. Dr. Hall was your last mission before you went and got yourself rehabilitated."
Steve turned to see Nat storm in pass them and begin to punch him, "Where is my little girl you piece of shit!"
The room was stunned as the normally cool Nat lost it.
Bucky and Steve pulled her off Rumlow and into the main room. Peter was in tears he felt responsible, "It's my fault."
Bucky shook his head, "You did your best; the bastard took you by surprise."
Suddenly a tall giant of a man stormed through, "STARK!"
Everyone turned, "Thor what are you doing?"
Everyone stumbled back as he pinned Tony to the wall, "Where is my brother?"
Sam tried to intervine, "Thor... He's not here. Bucky's daughter is missing too."
Dolly whimpered as she woke up she was in a strange room with a man wiping a cool cloth over her forehead, "Where is my daddy?"
Loki helped her sit up, "I do not know little one. What is your name?"
Dolly sniffled, "Dolly Barnes."
Loki began to understand, "Is your father a friend of the Avengers?"
Dolly nodded, "They're my family."
Loki tried not to show any annoyance, "Family? Well Dolly Barnes my name is Loki."
Dolly smiled, "Loki? The prince of Mischief?"
Loki made a pleased face; normally is was Loki brother of Thor, but this girl knew him outside of that, "Yes... How did..."
Dolly grinned, "My Steve told me about you. He said that you were a powerful didi."
Loki laughed, "Deity and yes."
Dolly jumped, "You can get us out of here then."
Loki frown, "If I could. This blasted collar keeps my powers from working."
Dolly looked at it then bit her lip, "Can I trust you?"
Loki frowned, "Yes."
Dolly whispered in his ear, "I can break it. You can't tell my daddy though. He'll be mad I broke something."
Loki didn't believe she could break it, "If you could break it I'd be very greatful and promise not to tell."
Dolly nodded, "Ok."
Dolly stood on the bed and she grabbed the collar on each side. It sent tiny sparks up her, but she ignored that and pulled until it snapped.
Loki looked at her tiny hands she had blisters forming, but she didn't make a sound of pain, "You're hurt."
Dolly looked at her hands, "Oh... But can you use your powers?"
Loki nodded, "Let me see your hands," he sent a light cooling sensation to her easing the burn and offering healing.
Dolly blinked, "You're like Jack Frost!"
Loki didn't know who that was, but put it out of his mind, "Ok I am going to work on getting us home."
The team paced trying to piece why Zemo would want Loki and Dolly.
Bruce noticed first and yelled, "Guys!"
Everyone came running. Loki stood hand in hand with Dolly, "I cannot hold the illusion long. Zemo has us here."
Loki made an image of a fortified castle appear, "The little one is safe."
The magic began to fade.
Tony yelled, "Jarvis! Find that castle!"
Bucky felt tears stream down his face, "I'm coming Doll hold on."

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