Innocence meets Mischief

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After that incident Billy Butcher never bothered Dolly again.
A few weeks later Bucky and Nat had a mission so Steve stayed behind to take care of Dolly.
Steve was in the living room when a huge crash of thunder and bright lighting struck the tower.
Dolly screamed and came running out, "Steeeeve!"
Steve caught her and brought her into his lap, "Hey it's ok it's just a storm."
Dolly shivered in his arms breaking his heart.
Dolly looked up, "It was loud and shook windows."
Steve kissed her forehead and wrapped her in a blanket, "I know princess. You want me to tell you a story?"
Dolly nodded her head.
Steve carried her into her room and sat down, "There once was a prince who had a magic hammer..."
Dolly snuggled into Steve's arms and felt safe. She didn't like loud thunder. It made her think of something she could not quite remember, but made her feel sad and scared.
Steve and Daddy told the best stories when she was scared. Nat would sing to her.
Dolly started to fall asleep as Steve told her about the prince with a magic hammer.
Steve held her a little bit longer. He loved being in this girl's life. His heart melted every time she said "my Steve."
Steve slipped from the room, "Good night princess."
Steve walked Dolly to school, "Your daddy and Nat should be back tonight are you excited?"
Dolly nodded as a little boy ran up and hugged Dolly, "Who that?" The boy asked.
Dolly looked up at Steve, "That's my Steve."
Steve smiled. The boy blinked, "What's a Steve?"
Dolly looked up and said, "My other dad."
Steve couldn't bare the joy.
The boy shrugged, "Do you got a mom too?"
Dolly skipped with Steve's hand in hers. Dolly nodded, "And I have a Nat."
The boy frowned, "What's a Nat?"
Dolly sighed, "My other mommy. Matt why you asking so many questions?"
Steve snickered as the 2 talked.
Matt kicked at a rock, "Cause you're my girlfriend."
Steve stopped. Dolly huffed, "I am not! I'm going to marry a prince."
Matt stamped his foot, "Well you're still my girlfriend. My momma said so you're a girl and my friend so there!"
Dolly rolled her eyes, "Fine, but I am still marrying a prince."
Matt beamed up at Steve who only shrugged.
At the end of the day Dolly waited by Mr. Robert to be picked up. A big man walked up and said, "I am picking up Dolly Barnes."
Mr. Robert put Dolly behind him, "What's your name?"
The man grumbled, "Brock Rumlow. I'm her grandfather."
Mr. Robert shielded Dolly, "You aren't on the list do you know her password?"
Rumlow frowned, "Always the hard way."
He pulled a gun, "Give me the girl."
Mr. Robert pushed Dolly, "Run Dolly!"
Rumlow shot Mr. Robert as he chased Dolly.
It had taken him a long damn time to find his traitorous daughter after she escaped a Hydra lab. When he found her she was dead. It had taken nearly 7yrs to track down the child she had with the Winter Soldier. He fumed. She run and ended up doing what she was supposed to anyway. Now he was going to bring the child back to Hydra.
Dolly ran into Peter who caught her, "Dolly what's wrong?"
Dolly tried catching her breath, "Bad man coming."
Peter looked up. His dad Tony made him promise not to use his suit unless an emergency, well this was one!
Peter suited up and ran with Dolly.
Rumlow chased him down and tackled him. Dolly hid under a desk and heard a loud bang! The bad man fell clutching his arm, "You bastard you shot me!"
Peter turned to face someone Dolly couldn't see, "What are-"
Peter's voice was cut off by a loud shocking and he fell to the floor.
A soft face peaked under the desk, "You can come out little one."
Peter was awake but bound in something as the other guy was bleeding, "If they don't kill you-"
The man hushed him, "I'd be more concerned about if they kill you first."
Dolly looked at Peter who hoarsely whispered, "Run."
Dolly turned to run, but was stopped, "I wouldn't do that little one. I have plans for you."
Dolly saw a big needle and yelled as she was injected with a sedative."
The soft faced man picked her up and walked away as Bucky Sam and Steve came running in.
Rumlow lay bleeding and Peter badly hurt. Steve and Sam worked Peter free, "Zemo Zemo took her." Peter whispered.
Bucky pulled Rumlow up, "Where did he take my daughter?"
Rumlow laughed, "My granddaughter you mean."
Bucky froze. Rumlow was Eveanna's father?
A dark hair man paced his cell; he was a fool to have gotten trapped.
The man responsible for his current predicament opened the cell's door carrying a sleeping child, "I brought you a gift Loki; guard her well."
Loki went to charge, but was shocked from the collar he wore, "You're a monster. Why do you have a child here?"
Zemo sighed, "She is just bait, but will be useful... Older.
Loki bent over the child to check and see if she was hurt, "I will get free and when I do..."
Zemo shut the cell door.

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