The birth of Eveanna

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A long long time ago...
"Brock! Brock what are you doing?!"
A dark haired woman yelled as her lover advanced on her.
A hard back hand connected with her, "You fucking whore! How many men have you been fucking behind my back?"
The woman trembled, "Brock..."
Another back hand went smack, "Don't Brock me!"
The woman screamed, "I'M PREGNANT!"
Brock Rumlow staggered back.
The woman shook, "I don't know if you or..."
Brock punched the wall by her head.
A man walked into the room, "You really shouldn't hit women; especially pregnant ones."
Brock spun around to see who was speaking, "Mr. Priece sir..."
The man nodded, "Rumlow I understand your anger; it's never easy to find out you've been duped."
Priece sighed seeing the woman's battered face, "You do pack a hell of a punch son."
Rumlow was only mildly mollified, "Sir I-"
Priece grinned, "I suppose you shouldn't be surprised I told her to sleep with Howlett. He was supposed to be a valuable asset, then Stryker went and messed that up."
Rumlow tried not to let his anger show, "What would you have me do sir?"
Priece smiled, "So glad you asked...."
"It's a girl Mr. Priece."
A nurse held the baby girl.
Priece smiled. He had hoped for a boy, but girls were useful too, "Congrats Rumlow you're a father."
Rumlow sneered, "Is she really mine?"
Priece sighed, "Of course who else will raise her?"
Rumlow complained, "Let her whore mother do it."
The nurse shook her head, "She hemmoraged... We could not save her."
Priece took the baby, "Well Brock what are you gonna name your daughter?"
He stiffened, "She can have her whore mother's name."
Priece realized he'd have to work more on Brock in the meantime, "Eveanna Jones welcome to Hydra."
Present day:
Bucky watched his daughter as she ate pizza and told her family about what had happened.
Peter blushed when she told everyone how he had put on his suit and fought the bad guys.
Loki smiled gently as Dolly showed how she took off his collar.
Steve placed a hand on his friend's shoulder, "She's resilient."
Bucky wiped his eyes, "She shouldn't have to grow up looking over her shoulder."
Steve nodded, but didn't have answers.
Dolly came over and hugged her father, "Daddy thank you for saving me. I was really scared."
Dolly's eyes were filled with tears. Bucky bent down, "I will always always come for you baby girl."
Dolly hugged him tight.
Bucky picked her up, "You've had big adventures the last few days. Let's head to bed."
Dolly waved good night and yawned.

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