Dolly and Loki date

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Dolly was 21 when Loki soul bound himself to her. The instant he did he realized what Dr. Selvig had all those years ago; Dolly was his soulmate, but how did he know and what was his true plan with that knowledge?
Loki walked into the cell block relieved not to be behind the barriers. Thor walked beside him, "Is this wise brother?"
Loki nodded, "He knew she was meant to be mine; I need to know how."
The once prominent scientist sat quietly reading as they approached, "Ah and what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
Thor took the lead, "We've come to ask how you knew about young Dolly being Loki's soulmate?"
Dr. Selvig looked up with a wicked gleam, "So I was right... Wonderful."
Loki stepped forward, "How did you know?"
The man put away his book and stood up facing them, "I saw it within the tesseract. You might have been too busy, but I saw it and more..."
Loki swallowed, "What was your great plan then Erik? What had you hoped to gain?"
He smiled, "Me? I merely served the will the tesseract."
Thor sighed, "We'll get no clear answer brother."
Loki agreed, but strangely felt sorry for him. Clearly the power of the tesseract marked him and left him slightly mad. Loki considered himself lucky to have gotten free of the influence it could sway.
"Come brother... I do require your service on other things."
Dolly sat on her bed flipping through an old diary, "I can't believe how silly I was..."
She read a passage compairing her first "boyfriend" Matt to Loki.
It had been just a few weeks since the adventure with Ultron and Loki started the soul bond with her.
Dolly smiled remembering the first careful dates Loki took her on.
He took her to see an opera called The Ring of the Nibelung.
"It's a story about a beautiful Valkyrie named Brunhilde..." Loki explained.
Dolly felt so sophisticated dressing in a fine evening gown and jewels.

Next Loki took her to the Natural History museum. Dolly's favorite part was Loki explaining how historians and archaeologists misunderstood the stories of early Scandinavians, "I never really birthed a horse or sired a giant wolf or serpent."
Dolly found herself happy in his company.
Dolly put away her old diary and got ready for her date. This time she was taking Loki someplace special.
Bucky dried and put away the dishes as Steve washed, "I really don't know about this thing with Doll and Loki."
Steve sighed, "I know, but he seems sincere and Dolly's been in love with him since she was little."
Bucky pouted, "That's your fault ya know. Always telling her about the magic princes..."
Steve shook his head, "Hey don't take your anger out on me..."
Bucky pouted, "Sorry... It's just hard knowing my baby isn't a baby anymore."
Dolly came out dressed in a nice sun dress, "Hey Dad hey Steve."
Steve whistled, "You look pretty. Where's Loki taking you today?"
Dolly blushed and smiled, "Actually... I am taking him someplace today. I thought we'd picnic at the gazebo."
Bucky laughed, "You do like that spot. I remember how you'd have us play rescue the princess."
Dolly blushed, "Well... It's a beautiful spot for such games."
A knock on the door drew their attention. Steve dried his hands, "I'll go get it."
Dolly bit her lip, "Dad... Can I ask you something?"
Bucky leaned against the sink, "Anything Doll."
Taking a breath Doll asked, "How did you know my mom or that Steve and Nat were your people?"
Bucky hadn't expected that question, "Well... I'm not sure how to explain... Your mom and I are so much different than me Nat and Steve."
Dolly grinned, "You Nat and Steve are a hell of a lot different than most."
Bucky grinned, "Yeah, but your heart knows."
Dolly looked at her hands, "If mom hadn't of died... I wouldn't have ever known you would I?"
Bucky sat at the table with her, "Baby... I - I don't know. Your mom had really good reason to try and keep you hidden. I'd like to think... Maybe, but I don't know."
Dolly looked up, "I couldn't ask for a better family ya' know. You're a great dad and Nat and Steve are awesome too."
Bucky brushed her cheek, "Honey why are you asking me suddenly?"
Dolly twisted her fingers, "I am in love daddy... I know you think I'm too young and all, but I know what my heart feels."
Bucky's heart pounded, "Baby... You... You're sure?"
Dolly nodded, "I probably shouldn't be talking to you about it, but I want to complete the bond; I'm just scared you and they won't still be proud of me."
Bucky stood and hugged her, "Dolly Eliza Barnes I will always be proud of you."
Steve walked in and hugged her tight, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop; was coming to tell you Loki is here. I will always love and be proud of you too. Same for Nat you're her girl always."
Dolly blinked, "Thanks guys... God this is about as awkward as when I got my 1st period and you gave me the "talk"."
They laughed as they walked out to greet Loki.
Dolly grinned, "Sorry I kept you waiting."
Loki grinned, "It's alright. Are you ready now?"
Dolly nodded, "We have to stop in the big kitchen to pick up our picnic first."
Dolly waved to her dad and Steve as they left.
Bucky turned to Steve, "Our girl is all grown up."

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