Loki breaks a promise; for a good reason

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Dolly fell asleep on the jet curled into Bucky. He stroked his daughter's hair, "Thank you for keeping her safe."
He looked up at Loki who merely nodded, "She's a sweet soul."
Thor raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.
Steve sat on the other side of Bucky and Dolly, "Fury is taking Rumlow to the RAFT now. He thought you might like to question Zemo before he was transferred there as well."
Bucky tensed. Dolly whimpered in her sleep. Nat heard and gathered her up so Bucky and the others could talk.
Bucky sadly smiled, "Thanks Nat."
Loki tilted his head, "Is she the child's mother?"
Everyone looked at him. Bucky blinked, "In every way that matters."
Loki watched as the deadly assassin he first met cuddled and comforted the child, "And which of you is the father?"
Conversation again stopped. Thor sighed, "Brother?"
Loki made a face, "I am curious brother. Did you yourself not implore me to learn more about your beloved Midguard?"
Bucky scowled, "I'm her father. Steve and Nat are helping me raise her."
Loki nodded, "Ah a pack family. That's why she kept saying my Steve my Nat."
Loki leant forward, "She's very proud of her family. She certainly didn't want you to be disappointed." He pointed at Bucky.
Bucky made a growl, "What do you mean?"
Dolly's voice was small, "Loki you promised not to tell."
Loki grinned, "I didn't tell anything my little Midgardian, but you did tattle on yourself."
Nat brushed back Dolly's hair, "Baby what didn't you want Loki to tell us?"
Dolly blinked, "I broked Loki's collar."
Confused everyone looked to Loki for clarification, "Zemo had me in a shock collar preventing me from using my power. Dolly used her strength to break it; burning her hands."
Bucky and Steve went to Nat and all 3 checked Dolly's hands. Small healed marks covered her palms. Bucky brushed her cheek, "Honey why would you not tell us?"
Dolly looked down, "I didn't want daddy to be sad again."
Steve looked confused, "What do you mean sweetie?"
Dolly sighed, "Daddy got sad when he saw me bending a bar for Sam."
Bucky took a breath. He remembered now.
On Sam's boat he and Dolly were hanging out as he repaired a few things. Sam complained that he really needed a piece of curved pipe. Dolly wanting to be helpful bent a steel pipe. It was then Bucky knew she had the super soldier serum in her DNA, "Oh baby girl... I wasn't sad because you bent a pipe. I... Damn it... One day when you're older I can explain better, but you didn't make me sad."
Bucky hugged her, "I am so proud of you! You broke Loki's collar and that let him be able to use his magic to message us to find you. That's so brave Doll."
Dolly sniffled, "You're not sad?"
Bucky shook his head, "No. I am so happy and so lucky to have you as my daughter."
Everyone wiped their eyes. Loki winked at Dolly.
He had made a promise not to tell, but he also knew they needed to know. A little mischief on his part true, but for a good reason.

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