Bucky's first away mission

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Bucky put Dolly to bed and found Steve and Nat to talk to.
"Oh Bucky." Nat held his hand.
Steve sat back, "I don't know what to say."
Bucky rubbed his eyes, "I'll asked Banner to run some tests... I don't-"
Steve leaned forward, "Nothing will ever touch Dolly."
Nat nodded, "We'll keep her safe; no matter what."
Bucky paced, "I don't know. I've never left Doll for more than a day."
Fury tapped a file folder 📁 against his palm, "King T'challa did request you on this mission."
Steve sighed, "Outside of Clint you're our best sniper."
Pepper walked into the kitchen with Tony who was talking to Dolly about blueberries.
Pepper shook her head and smiled, "There are other fuirts Tony."
Tony looked over, "Ah... The mission. Pep can you take little miss."
Tony came over to Bucky, "Barnes... I'm going to make sure there's extra security and Sam will be here."
Bucky reached over and booped his daughter's nose, "Ok... When do we go wheels up?"
Landing in Wakanda the team was greeted by T'challa and 2 of the Dora Milaje Okoye and Ayo.
T'challa hugged Bucky, "I'm sorry to pull you away from your family; congratulations by the way."
Bucky smiled, "Thank you. If it wasn't for the second chance you gave me and what Shuri did... I never would have had the chance."
Okoye smiled, "I am sure she is a fierce pup."
Ayo smiled as well agreeing, "If she is like her father she will be a formidable warrior."
Steve and Nat walked up, "She's turning 1 in a couple of weeks; you should come to her party."
Bucky grinned, "I think she'd love to meet you."
T'challa smiled, "We shall see. Let us complete this mission quickly so you can return to her."
On a beaten up cargo ship a grizzled man scratched his stubble, "This won't be cheap. It came at great personal cost."
He showed off a brand on his neck to a unassuming woman, "Price is no object Klaw; I believe you'll find my employer rather generous."
Suddenly a loud bang was heard echoing through the ship, "What hell have you brought to me woman!"
The woman stood and sighed boredly, "It appears that we will have no deal today Klaw."
Klaw scrambled his men as she calmly blended into shadow.
Bucky picked off a few stragglers as the team went in.
The Dora Milaje rounded everyone up. Klaw frowned at T'challa, "Justice will always be swift."
Ayo lead Klaw away as the rest of the Dora Milaje took the men away.
T'challa turned to the team, "Thank you for your help."
They all smiled in return. Bucky grinned wide, "Don't forget you're coming to Dolly's birth day party."
T'challa chuckled, "I won't forget."
Sam sat watching Pepper chase Dolly making the toddler laugh, "I don't know how you keep up with her."
The woman laughed, "Actually she's easier than Tony."
Dolly stopped when she heard the elevator ding. She turned and ran straight for it as the doors opened.
Bucky stepped out and swooped her up, "Oh I missed ya Doll. Were you good for Pepper?"
Dolly giggled, "Dada!" And paritcally head butted head giving him kisses.
Pepper smiled, "She was perfect. How was the mission?"
Tony gave Pepper a kiss, "Went smooth of course; what's for lunch?"
Bucky cuddled his daughter happy to be home.

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