Anything for love

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Dolly Barnes was not a little girl anymore. She had grown and blossomed into a stunning young woman and Loki felt like an utter fool.
He watched as she moved about the room greeting guests. Every time a potential suitor laid even the chastess of kisses on her cheek his blood boiled with a possive jealous rage.
Dolly wore the pendant he gave her as a gift when they first met, but now he saw it as a symbol marking her as his alone.
Loki couldn't stand it anymore and went to step out side; where the cooler air might suite him better.
Dolly was quickly becoming over whelmed with people. Tony again invited most of the whole of New York's upper crust; many of whom she had no clue who they were.
She spotted Sue Storm and her fiancé Dr. Reed Richards. If they were here that meant... "Hey birthday girl!"
Dolly sighed and smiled, "Thanks Johnny."
Johnny Storm had gone to school with Dolly and ended up going with his sister and her team into space; which lead them to returning with super powers. Johnny's powers had to do with fire.
"So... Dolly why don't you and I find a quiet place..."
She rolled her eyes, "Ew no."
Johnny sighed, "We could be good together."
Dolly looked him up and down, "Johnny I've known you since you and I have been 6 and Mr. Robert caught you trying to look up the girls' skirts... In no universe would I go alone with you anywhere."
Dolly grinned as Johnny frowned, "Ah Dolly that hurts. I just want a friendly little chat."
He stepped closer to her and took her hand when a dark haired man bent closer to Dolly and kissed her, "Ah! there you are darling. I've been looking for you all evening."
Loki was headed outside when he noticed someone getting to close to Dolly. Without thinking he went over.
Dolly blinked as Loki stepped back from the kiss and greeted her. She was speechless, "Please introduce me to your friend."
Dolly blinked again, "Johnny Storm this is Loki Odinson."
Johnny raised an eyebrow as Loki possively wrapped an arm around her waist, "Do you mind letting my lady's hand go?"
Johnny smiled, "Well, I was just wishing my childhood friend a happy birthday."
Loki gave a grin, "Well if you don't mind I'd like to wish her a happy birthday also."
And with that he lead her away.
Dolly giggled as Loki swooshed her away, "My hero."
Loki paused and brushed back a lock of her hair, "I hope to be."
Dolly looked up into his eyes and stood on tip toe and lightly kissed him, "Thank you."
Loki bent his head to steal another kiss when a deep voice interrupted, "Ah hell no."
Both turned to see Bucky and Steve staring at them.
Bucky stood tall with an unpleased scowl. Steve sighed and shook his head.
Dolly stepped in front of Loki protectively, "Dad..."
Bucky walked up to them; he hated this already. He looked at Dolly then at Loki, "If you even think of hurting her..."
Loki blinked, "I assure you Sargent I would never."
Bucky looked at Dolly. She was not a little girl anymore and could make her own choices, but really did it have to be him, "Doll..."
Dolly hugged him, "Love you too Dad."
Steve stepped in and whispered in Loki's ear, "Bucky isn't the one you have to worry about... Don't hurt my girl."
Loki smirked, "I would never dream of it."
Steve hugged Dolly, "Happy birthday baby girl."
Dolly grinned and held Loki's hand.

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