The past comes knocking

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It was a rare quiet day. Nat Dolly and Wanda were out looking at wedding dresses. Bucky was in the garage working on his bike. Steve sighed and read the paper drinking his coffee. He loved his family, but really enjoyed these calm tranquil moments.
A knock on the door broke the peace as Steve went to answer, "Hello?"
Steve came face to face with a blast from the past.
"Heya Rogers." Logan smiled.
Steve hugged his old friend, "Son of bitch Logan; what are you doing here?"
Logan chuckled, "That's gonna require a drink; Barnes here?"
Steve started to lead him out, "He's working on his bike; man it's been how long?"
Logan sighed, "Just before you went in the ice... '45."
Steve shook his head, "Hard to believe that was so long ago."
As they entered the garage Steve yelled out, "Bucky you're not gonna believe who's here."
Bucky stood up and wiped his hands off, "Wolverine... I'll be damned... Logan what are you doing here?"
Logan sighed, "Well... Barnes... I actually came to talk to you about your daughter Dolly."
Bucky tensed and Steve ready himself to separate the 2 men.
Bucky put down the heavy socket wrench, "How do you know about Dolly?"
Logan took out his cigar and lit it, "Don't get your knickers twisted Bucky... I work at the ah... Private school she applied to teach at."
Steve raised an eyebrow, "Wait you work at Professor Charles Xavier's school?"
Logan nodded, "I teach history and combat training... For the older kids."
Bucky leaned against a wall, "So what you're here to interview her?"
Logan looked up, "Not exactly..."
Steve's eyes went wide, "Shit."
Bucky looked over at Steve who stepped into Logan, "I should have remember... But we never called you by your name."
Logan smiled, "Too many damn Jameses in that platoon; right Bucky."
Bucky lowered his head, "You're Eveanna's father... Doll's grandfather."
Logan shrugged, "In the flesh."
Bucky kick at the ground, "I'm sorry Logan... I-"
Logan shook his head, "No I am sorry. Had I known Evie was pregnant I wouldn't have left her with that bastard Rumlow... There's more though and for that I'm gonna need hard liquor."

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