Soul bound to Loki

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Dolly laid in the med bay while Bruce ran tests and stared at her mark

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Dolly laid in the med bay while Bruce ran tests and stared at her mark. She tried not to smile like a teenage girl with a crush.
Nat leaned against the wall, "Well... Your fathers' are just gonna love this."
Dolly paled, "Oh no... They wouldn't dare..."
Nat smiled, "Oh yes they would. You remember how they "just talked" to Matt; your date to Freshman homecoming?"
Dolly sat up, "I gotta stop-"
Nat laughed, "You realize Loki is about 1024 years older than you right? I think he can handle 2 super soldiers."
Dolly sighed, "Nat... What if..."
Nat sat beside her, "Shit you really do love him."
Dolly leaned on him, "Ever since Steve first told me the stories of the prince of mischief. I remember being in the cell with him as a little girl... So handsome so strong&his wit? I... Nat what if he only..."
Nat cuddled her, "I don't think he just randomly did it to do it."
Dolly wiped her eyes.
Loki sat surrounded by Dolly's family and smirked, "I suppose you want an explanation."
Bucky sat back, "It would be nice."
Loki sighed, "Though I was raised Asguardian... I am a Jøtün... A frost giant."
Thor took his brother's side, "The Jøtün nearly defeated father's army, but with the aid of many allies won. He decreed that any form of soul bonds would never again be made because of the lost life on both sides."
Loki sheepishly looked up, "Dolly's life will be long..."
Steve stood, "She's still so young Loki... What if..."
Loki's eyes darkened, "I will not force her to be with me. I am aware that I am still seen as a monster..."
Loki stood unexpectedly letting his hurt rise before letting his cool indifferent persona slide back into place, "Beside... The bond is incomplete... Dolly will be able to take another if she wishes."
Bucky shook his head. Steve stepped into Loki, "You're leaving something out."
Loki stood toe to toe with him, "I would never harm Dolly."
Thor stepped between them, "What he left out is that while the bond is incomplete on Dolly's side Loki will never have another lover... He has bound himself to Dolly and for him no one else will hold his heart."
Steve stepped back ready to chastise him for doing something so reckless, but Dolly's soft voice drew everyone's attention, "Oh Loki..."
She came into the room followed by Nat and Bruce, "You foolish idiot."
Loki pouted and went to object when Dolly kissed him deeply, "I've loved you since I was old enough to understand what love was."
Loki wiped away tears that trailed down her cheeks, "Do you really mean that mijn liefde[my love]?"
Dolly took his hands in hers, "You can ask anyone they'll tell you the truth; I wasn't going end up with anyone else, but my prince."
Loki kissed Dolly again holding her to his chest, "We don't have to finish the bond right away. I want you to be sure."
Dolly went to tell him how sure when Bucky stood up, "Doll... I won't say this often; Loki's right." He put up his hand to calm her, "But... If you're sure then I..."
He looked back to Nat and Steve who nodded, "We'll support you."
Dolly hugged her father tight, "I love you dad so very much."
Bucky kissed her cheek, "I love you too Doll."
Dolly went to hug Steve and Nat; Bucky faced Loki, "Do right by her."
Loki grinned, "Always."

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