Loki's little Midgardian

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Loki couldn't put his finger on it, but he felt very protective of Dolly. He watched her working with Natasha Romanoff; the woman was very patient as the girl practice her moves.
Dolly spotted him and ran over, "Did ya see! I did it!"
Loki smirked, "I did see, but do you think you could best me?"
Dolly looked to Nat who smiled, "Be my guest."
Dolly grinned wide, "You bet!"
Loki would hold back a little bit, but not much.
Loki looked up at Dolly from the mat. The little Midgardian had used not just her size, but her age against him feigning tears to lure him in.
Natasha had taught her well.
"Are you ok Loki?" Dolly looked very concerned as Loki laid on his back.
Nat tried not to giggle as Thor boomed laughter, "That little girl bested you well brother."
Normally Loki would be angry, but an odd feeling of pride bloomed in him, "That she did."
Thor helped his brother up and Loki sighed, "You have beaten me little Midgardian."
Dolly grinned as Nat came up and hugged her.
Loki knelt in front of Dolly, "On Asgard it is tradition to claim a trophy; I offer you this."
Loki conjured a green jeweled pendant on a beautifully wove silver chain.
Thor smiled secretly knowing that was not a tradition at all, but a thinly veiled excuse to gift the girl the pendant.
Dolly's blue eyes were wide with awe, "It's beautiful."
Nat had her suspicions, but knew if Loki was up to mischief Thor wouldn't let him give the jewel.
Loki undid the clasp, "May I?"
Dolly nodded, "I'll never take it off!"
Loki chuckled.
Bucky and Steve walked into the training room and Dolly ran straight to them, "Look! I beated Loki and got this."
Bucky blinked, "You beat Loki?"
Steve chuckled as Nat and Thor recalled the sparring.
Loki rolled his eyes, "Come now... I under estimated the child's skill; which is good. She used it to her advantage. Natasha has taught her well."
Dolly skipped over and took Loki's hand, "Come on I'll show you some stuff so you don't get beated again."
Loki followed protests on his lips as Thor Nat Steve and Bucky lost it laughing.
Dolly very serious, "Now put your foot like this..."
After Dolly's mini lesson on how to punch a foe it was declared dinner.
Tony was regaled with the tale of Dolly putting Loki on his back and toasted the girl. Dolly blushed and grew shy.
Loki would miss her when they left.
The next day Thor told everyone he and his brother were returning to Asgard.
Dolly's eyes filled with tears, "Why?"
Loki knelt down, "I need to let my mother and father know I am safe."
Dolly sniffled, "Will I see you again?"
Loki couldn't explain why his heart was breaking a little at this farewell, "I promise to visit and you have my pendant so I am always close."
Dolly's eyes went wide, "Don't leave yet!"
She ran to her room and got into her jewelry box and pulled out something that made her smile.
Dolly ran back as fast as she could. In her hand was one of her favorite treasures, "I got this when I was a baby. You can have it to remember me by ok?!"
Loki looked at the necklace with the wolf charm and grinned, "I will treasure it."
Loki put it on and hugged her, "Be good my little Midgardian."
Dolly held Bucky's hand and tried not to cry.
Bucky extended his hand, "Thank you again for-"
Loki cut him off, "No need for that."
Bucky nodded.
Thor and Loki stood side by side as the bifrost opened and swooshed them away.
Dolly sniffled missing her Loki already.

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