Last will and testament

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Dear Sargent Barnes;
I am reaching out to you on behalf of the estate of Eveanna Jones. It is of the highest urgency that you contact the office so that we can discuss the matter of her will.
Edward Stinner Attorney at law

Bucky read and reread the letter. His heart was heavy with the knowledge that sweet Eveanna had passed, but what on earth could she had left him. He hadn't spoke to her in over a year.

"James... I- I am not who you think I am." Eveanna held her stomach, "I need you to know... I-"
James listened as she poured out her heart. Eveanna Jones the shy mousey barmaid he had come to care about was a girl on the run.
"What do you mean Hydra is looking for you!?" He froze anger filling him.
Eveanna shook her head, "I ran away when I was 18. My father... He wanted to try and... James I didn't know who you were until after... I can't stay..."
He tried to wrap his mind around the fact that she was a Hydra experiment too; was she a set up?
"I need to leave James. I can't be caught... There's too much too lose now." Eveanna held her torso tight, "They will never hurt me or anyone I love again."

Bucky laid his head in his hands sighing, "Eveanna I should have brought you with me."
Standing Bucky called the lawyer and set an appointment.
Bucky sat in the lawyer's office and watched a dark haired baby girl play with blocks, "Are you saying that baby is mine?"
The lawyer sighed, "Yes. She was found hidden in a closet at the scene."
Bucky made a fist with his metal hand. Eveanna was murdered. Police said it was a robbery gone wrong.
The lawyer bent down and picked her up, "If you refuse custody I have to turn her over to DCFS and they'll place her in foster care."
Bucky stared into blue eyes that matched his, "No... I'll take her. What's her name?"
The lawyer sighed in relief, "Dolly Barnes."
Bucky texted Steve, "Hey need to talk meet me at tower."
Bucky put the all too light diaper bag over his shoulder, "Come on Doll..."

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