The Void and its residents help Dolly

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Dolly walked the path talking out loud to the babies; to no one and to everyone, "You know... This doesn't really seem fair. I was kidnapped as a little girl by a guy who had a grudge against my dads... Again as adult by a robot who thought I was gonna be his little [sad laughter escaped] Dolly... Now I am wandering... Where the hell am I?"
Walking in the woods off the path was a group of 4.
A young teen boy, an older man. A blonde woman and a familiar face...
"Why are we following this woman? We need to come up with a plan to get back." The familiar face said.
The woman sighed and pointed to shadows across the path, "Look... Who ever she is has the void shadows up in arms."
The woman they followed stopped mid stride as a shadow formed and called to her, "Hello my pet."
Dolly froze, "Loki?"
The man walked toward her, "Come... I've set a camp up off the path for us rest."
He reached for her hand but she pulled away, "How how are you here?"
He smiled taking her hand, "Are you not pleased to see me? Come sit rest..."
Dolly felt her back tighten, "No. I need to keep going. I know I am close."
He gripped her wrist tighter, "You will not finish. You will stay here and we will feast..."
Dolly pulled harder, "Let me go!"
The man drew a blade ready to cut Dolly when suddenly a familiar figure came brandishing his own blade blocking the man, "I don't think the lady wishes to go with you."
Dolly stumbled back as the 2 fought. A blonde woman a young teen and an older man rushed to her side.
The older man hesitated, "Dolly?"
Dolly looked up, but was distracted when she realized, "Why are there 2 Lokis?"
The blonde woman smiled, "Oh honey... We've got a tale for you."
The familiar figure defeated the man and came back to the group, "Is she alright?"
The older man shook his head, "We need to get her to Idun's..."
The young teen boy blinked, "This was your nexus... Not Thanos."
He nodded.
Dolly shook her head, "Someone explain to me why my husband-"
Everyone but the older man blinked, "Husband?"
The familiar face stumbled back, "You married a Loki?"
Dolly realized then, "Wait... You're not... Oh fuck me." A contraction hit her, "I need to get... Need to get to Idun."
The blonde woman held her hand, "My name is Sylvie; Dolly was it?" Dolly nodded, "Ok we're all Lokis from different places. None of us are your Loki, but we will get you to Idun."
Dolly looked into the most familiar face, "My Loki is cuter, but the resemblance is uncanny."
He smiled, "Well he is very lucky to have such a brave wife."
The older Loki took a step closer, "You're on your way to Idun?"
Dolly nodded, "Hela set me on the journey. I'm supposed to become a goddess. Me the daughter of the Winter Soldier... Oh gods it hurts."
Sylvie got her walking with the help of the teen Loki, "You can call me Kid."
Dolly smiled, "I wonder..."
Kid grinned, "Nah I bet I was the cuter baby." Dolly laughed.
Older Loki walked behind them with familiar Loki, "What happened in your timeline?"
He looked up, "She didn't make it to Idun and I... Well New York after the Chituri invasion looked like a pleasant day after I was done."
The other man nodded.
Soon a house came into view, but Dolly's contractions began coming closer, "I'm not going to make it... I can't..."
Kid and Sylvie laid her down, "I'll be right back!"
Sylvie motioned the familiar Loki over, "Look this may not go well, just try and give comfort."
He nodded, "Tell me do you and your Loki have a name picked out?"
Dolly cringed, "2 twins boy girl... It hurts didi..."
Beeps started to sound and machines dinged.
Loki stood as Bruce came in, "She's gone into labor!"
Kid banged on the cottage door. A beautiful woman opened, "Yes?"
Kid explained everything. Idun smiled and followed, "So... She made it this far."
Idun found Dolly the center of 3 Lokis trying to comfort her; 4 as the boy went to her side.
She kept watch over the journey of young Dolly. Without even a bat of an eye she gave 4 of the most jaded a splinter of hope; something they had given up knowing, "Why have you come to my orchard?"
Dolly sat up, "Hela said that one of your apples could help me become more so I can be more for my babies."
Idun shrugged, "An apple well just have one of your company pick 1."
The familiar Loki stood to grab 1, but Dolly stopped him, "No was told Idun... Had to pick it."
Everyone looked to her and found her smiling, "You're going to be a wonderful mother." She handed her the apple.
Dolly took a bite and chewed crying, "I'm going too see my babies."
Idun faced the 4 Lokis, "And you 4 better get back to your own journey."
The quartet watched Dolly fade from the void into her own realm, "Bright Blessings Dolly."
Dolly struggled as nurses were prepping her, "Loki... I need please..."
"Dr. Banner! Dolly's waking up!"

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