Dolly gets bullied

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One morning Dolly ran into the living room, "Look daddy I lost a tooth!"
Bucky, Steve and Nat were sitting around the kitchen table as she displayed her tooth proudly. Nat smiled, "Now you can put it under your pillow for the tooth fairy."
Dolly looked at her oddly, "Who's the tooth fairy?"
Steve smiled, "Well the tooth fairy collects the teeth of all the boys and girls and leaves money for them under their pillow."
Dolly looked horrified, "Here Nat you can have it."
Bucky chuckled, "I'll give it to the tooth fairy and ask her to put the money in your piggy bank how's that?"
A little more relieved Dolly agreed, "Can I go show Tony and Bruce?"
Bucky smiled, "Sure thing Doll."
They all stood and headed to the lab floor. Dolly skipped beside her father, "Can we send a picture to Sam?"
Bucky couldn't help smile, "You bet."
In the lab Tony and Bruce were working on a top secret project, "Hey munchkin what brings you to this neck of the woods?" Tony asked bending down.
Bruce came around and stood next to him. He grinned seeing the missing tooth in her smile.
Dolly grinned wide, "I lost a tooth!"
Tony smirked, "You sure did."
Bruce chuckled, "Is the tooth fairy going to visit?"
Dolly gave him an odd look, "Daddy said he'd talk to her for me."
Bruce nodded. Tony laughed, "Well... I'll pull some strings and make sure you get a fair deal on that tooth."
Dolly thought of a moment, "Why does she collect teeth?"
All the grown ups looked confused. Bucky bent down, "Well baby girl I don't know."
A second later the AI called Jarvis supplied an answer, "If I may Sargent Barnes..."
Bucky shook his head, "Go ahead."
Jarvis continued, "According to a modern myth the tooth fairy takes the baby teeth and leaves money behind so that the child may begin to save for their adult hood."
Everyone took a breath; when it came to Dolly and her questions sometimes Jarvis didn't do kid friendly.
Dolly skipped over the table where the secret project was, "That's nice of her. What's this?"
Bruce walked over and picked her up tickling her, "That's a new suit for Tony."
Bruce set the giggling girl down, "How is school?"
Dolly told him all about it and like that the secret project was forgotten.
Dolly loved school. She already could read and write a few words, but school gave her a chance to learn more.
Mrs. April and Mr. Robert adored her. She was one of the kindest most empathetic students either ever had.
The only problem? Billy Butcher. The second grader who liked to pick on kids; especially Dolly who stood up to him.
One day Dolly was sitting on the stairs daydreaming when Billy pushed her off. She fell hard scraping her palms and knees. Dolly went to stand, but Billy pushed her down hard causing her to scrape her elbows, "You're a weirdo!"
Dolly stood, "Leave a lone Billy you meanie."
Matt Dolly's friend ran and got Mrs. April, "Mrs. April Billy pushed Dolly down and she's bleeding!"
Mrs. April turned and saw Billy shove Dolly and heard get called names. She tried to rush over quickly; she heard Dolly tell him to stop, but Billy pushed her again that's when Dolly lifted her fist and punched him in the eye.
Bucky was training with Steve when his cell phone rang, "Hello? This is him. What?! I'll be right there."
Steve tilted his head, "What happened?"
Bucky struggled to not crush the phone in anger, "Dolly has a bully and he pushed her at recess she punched him when he would not stop."
Steve was angry, but saw his friend was bordering on losing it, "You want me to come with?"
Bucky nodded, "Yeah. I'm going to need some one to remind me I can't hit kids or their parents."
In the office a woman was preventing Dolly from getting her cuts cleaned and bandaged, "I demand you tend my son first!"
Mrs. April sighed, "Mrs. Butcher your son has his icepack. I need to tend Dolly; she's bleeding."
That's what Steve and Bucky walked into. Dolly quietly standing to the side as an overly hysterical woman blocked the teacher.
Bucky's voice boomed, "Why isn't my daughter getting her cuts cleaned?"
The woman turned an accusing finger at Dolly, "Your little heathen punched my sweet Billy!"
Steve placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder, "Ma'am it's only a black eye let Dolly get her cuts cleaned."
She stomped over to him, "Only a black eye?! He may never see again!"
Bucky ground his metal hand into a fist, "Dolly why did you hit him?"
Dolly's blue eyes full of tears looked up, "He pushed me off the stairs and called me names and the kept pushing me. I told him to stop, but he didn't. You said to hit only as a last resort when words wouldn't work so I punched him."
Mrs. April nodded, "It's true. We have a security tape showing this."
Bucky faced the woman, "You teach your son it's ok to hit girls. You teach him it's ok to bully others."
Mrs. Butcher called both Dolly, Mrs. April and the tape liars.
Steve shook his head, "Why would they lie?"
Mrs. Butcher went on a rant about being persecuted for being a conservative and ended her rant with, "You people pushing your agendas."
Mr. Robert stood, "Mrs. Butcher-"
Bucky stepped into her space, "What do you mean you people?"
Steve froze ready to tackle Bucky.
Mrs. Butcher spat, "You homosexuals."
Bucky growled, "I'm not gay, but do what if I was? See that man is my best friend and is helping me raise my daughter to be a kind loving person; unlike you who is teaching your son hate."
Bucky grabbed the first aid kit and began to gently tend his daughter's cuts, "You ok Doll?"
His voice was quiet and calm. Dolly nodded.
"You can't talk to me that way! My husband is on city council!" Mrs. Butcher objected.
Bucky picked up Dolly and faced her then Steve and grabbed his hand, "Big deal. My husband is Captain America."
Steve beamed with pride, "That's my honey bunny."
Bucky rolled his eyes, "Shut up Rogers."
Dolly leaned her head on her daddy's, "What's a homosexual?"
Bucky sighed, "It's someone who loves their own gender like two boys or two girls."
Dolly blinked remembering Joey and their 2 daddies, "Why did Billy's mom say it like it was a bad thing?"
Bucky mumbled, "Because Billy's mom is a hateful cun-"
Steve cut him off, "Because she doesn't understand that love between people no matter if it's boy and girl or boy and boy or girl and girl that love is beautiful and special."
Dolly nodded then paused, "Does Nat know you're daddy's husband?"
Both men chuckled, "Yeah Nat knows..."

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