Wait he said what...

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Dolly sat with her head in Loki's lap, "Are you sure you want to marry me?"
Loki smiled as he played with her hair, "For the hundredth time yes. I do not care what some odd red suited fool says; I love you Dolly Barnes. You are my soul mate mother of my child and the love of my life."
Dolly sat up and climbed in his lap, "I love you Loki God of mischief," She kissed him, "and of my heart."
Loki ran his hands up and down her back holding her closer, "We're suppose to go see Bruce for a check of our little snow flake."
Dolly grinned mischievously, "We have a few moments..."
Loki smirked, "And what shall we do with those few moments?"
Dolly squirmed on his lap, "Well..."
Loki captured her mouth and was prepared to devour her when the AI Friday chimed, "Miss Dolly and Loki Dr. Banner requests your presence in the lab."
Dolly giggled as Loki sighed.
In the lab Bruce went over some readings as Loki and Dolly entered, "Hey guys. I know we talked about coming in at 1, but I had some questions for Loki."
Dolly sat in a chair as Loki leaned against a wall, "Ask away Banner."
Bruce nodded, "You're a frost giant right?"
Loki nodded, "A Jötunn."
Bruce sighed, "And they're biologically the same as Asgardians or humans?"
Dolly paled, "Is something wrong with the baby?"
Loki stood tall, "We run colder, but yes... Bruce what is it?"
Bruce looked up, "The babies are fine; they're further along than I first estimated."
Dolly held her mid section, "Did you say babies? As in more than 1?"
Loki beamed, "Twins?"
Bruce smiled, "Vision just informed me."
As if conjured Vision knocked then stepped into the room, "I hope-"
Dolly cut him off by giving him a kiss and hug, "Oh you beautiful thing you!"
Vision was stunned, "Yes.. Well thank you."
Bruce chuckled, "That being said... The babies are showing signs of being 4 or 5 months along instead of 2 or 3."
Loki kissed Dolly's head, "That explains a lot. Bruce can you tell us..."
Bruce grinned, "Dolly do you want to know?"
Dolly nodded, "Please."
Vision smiled and asked, "Friday can you show the ultrasound for Miss Dolly."
The AI projected an image, "Here you are Vision."
Vision carefully pointed out, "This is baby A and as you can see... Baby A is a girl."
Loki wrapped his arms around Dolly as Bruce came around, "And here is baby B and well you can see B stands for boy."
Dolly laughed and cried, "Can you print that?"
Bruce handed her a copy, "Thought you would like one."
Loki stared at it. He was going to be a father. Loki took a breath he was going to have his hands full.
Thor stood in the main room oddly dressed eating his pop tarts. Dolly blinked, "Thor?"
Thor jumped startled, "You recognized me?"
Dolly blinked, "Was I not supposed to?"
Loki came around the corner looking more Midgardian than normal, "He thinks he is disguised."
Dolly shook here head, "It's very blonde Clark Kent type vibes."
Thor finished his pop tart, "Well who ever this Clark Kent must be he surely is stunningly handsome."
Yelena who had been eating cereal looked up and grinned, "Well... My family has always favored the dark bad boys right Sissy?"
Nat blushed, "Well I like men who are a bit older for sure."
Thor seem confused.
Dolly rolled her eyes and kissed Loki, "Where are you off too?"
Loki held her, "Just checking on a few last minute projects."
Dolly raised her eyebrow, "Not gonna tell me more?"
Loki winked, "Nope."

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