Confronting Odin

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Dolly squeaked as the bifrost suddenly opened up swooshing them away. Loki chuckled and kissed her temple once the group landed.
"Welcome back Prince Loki."
A deep voice greeted them.
Loki nodded, "Thank you Hemdail."
Thor came around the corner escorted by an elegant older woman, "Brother! Sister!"
Thor hugged Loki first then Dolly, "Welcome friends to Asgard!"
Thor spotted a new face, "I do not know you."
Dolly smiled, "Thor this is my mother's father Logan."
Thor looked to Nat, "I thought your father was called Alexei?"
Nat blushed a little and shook her head, "No Thor... Dolly means her birth mother."
That made Dolly pause, "Wait... The Red Guardian and the Iron Maiden are also..."
Bucky sighed, "Doll... We'll discuss that later."
Dolly nodded, "Right sorry ADHD kicked in."
Logan chuckled as Loki kissed Dolly's cheek.
A soft clearing of a woman's throat reminded everyone some else came with Thor.
Loki went to greet her, "Mother... I'd like you to meet my soul bound and future wife... Dolly Barnes.... Dolly this is my mother Frigga."
Dolly made a small curtsy, "I am honored your highness."
Frigga smiled, "No need for that child; introduce me to your family."
Dolly smiled, "My father Sargent James Barnes."
Bucky wasn't sure what to do so he nodded his head, "Your highness."
Frigga smiled, "Don't be nervous dear. I am glad you are here."
Bucky shyly smiled, "Thank you ma'am."
Dolly moved next to Steve and Nat, "And these are his partners and my other parents; Captain Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff."
Steve gave a nod, "Thank you for having us."
Nat smiled, "We hope our unconventional family doesn't cause you worry."
Frigga chuckled, "My dear any one can see how much love is in your family."
Nat smiled. Dolly introduced Logan, "This is my grandfather Logan."
Logan grinned and winked, "Ma'am."
Frigga blushed, "I am glad to see you're still around... Odin will be intrigued."
Loki turned to his mother, "You know him mother?"
Frigga blushed, "Let's just say we've met."
Dolly blink, "Oh boy."
Logan laughed, "I have been to Omnipotent City once or twice and well... I'll explain when you're older."
Thor and Loki both cringed while the others were clueless.
Frigga giggled, "Come your father awaits."
Dolly held Loki's hand tightly, "He wouldn't really break our bond would he."
Loki didn't know what to say, "No matter what mijn liefde you are mine."
In the throne room an older man paced, "I see you finally decided to make your way to the throne room."
Thor stepped forward, "Father-"
Odin silenced him, "So this is the Midgardian..."
Dolly stepped forward, "My name is Dolly Barnes sir."
Odin stepped closer, "You seem like such an nice girl; why bind yourself to him? Now Thor he is a mighty warrior much like you guardian the captain."
Dolly took a breath, "It is true Thor is a fine warrior, I don't love him."
Odin spun, "You put too much faith in love. Marry Thor and you could rule Asgard. A fine mother you'd make from fine warrior stock."
Dolly stood tall, "I was raised to believe that was the only thing that mattered."
Odin scoffed, "And who taught you that? Mmm? Who? The man you call father who has enough blood on his hands to fill rivers? The woman who used her body to gain access to secrets?"
Bucky and Nat both looked away ashamed Steve stood and stepped towards Odin, but Logan stopped him.
Dolly made a fist. Loki faced his father, "That is enough! You can't-"
Odin turned on his son, "I can't what? Point out the flaws of these people, but what should I expect from you; of course you would align yourself with such ramble-"
Dolly yelled, "That is enough! I will not stand by and allow you to cast such insults on my family!"
Dolly stepped into Odin's space, "My father knows more about love compassion and kindness then you could hope to imagine. Before he was drafted he worked on the docks to help put his kid sister thru nursing school. In the war he put himself in front of the danger so others would be spared. That was before Hydra captured him. They turned him into their tool, but his kind soul was still there because he made sure no one suffered."
Dolly looked back to her father, "I read the files dad... You made every kill quick and merciful." Turning back to Odin, "You will not shame him for that. He got free and he has never stopped trying to atone. He didn't have to keep me, but he raised me after my birth mother died; he made sure I knew I was loved and protected."
Dolly stepped back, "And this woman... This woman is my mother in all but name and blood. She too was just a tool. She trained from childhood to be a killer and an object for people to use. She didn't let that taint her soul. She raised me with love. She never made me feel like I was unwanted. She held me when I cried showed me I was capable of anything."
Dolly pointed to Steve, "You got one thing right this man is my guardian. He taught me that right and wrong may not always be black and white and to listen to my heart. He taught me that bullies of any kind should never be tolerated and that is what you are; a bully."
Odin went to object, "Oh I am not done! You insulted the man I love the man who saved me multiple times! He broke your precious law to do, but he did it because he loves me. Your son has a heart so full of love and kindness that he protected a little girl he'd never met because he knew it was the right thing to do."
Dolly had tears freely flowing down her cheeks, "You can judge me all you want. Call me names if you want, but you will not insult my family! One day I will be a mother and when that day comes I know Loki will be a better father than you because he will put his child's wants and desires before his own."
Odin stared at her, "Are you finished?"
Dolly stood shaking, "I'd tell you to fuck off but Steve doesn't like it when I say bad words."
Odin chuckled, "I was afraid you would be as meek and shy as you look, but you are fierce."
Everyone blinked, "What?"
Odin sighed, "I apologize for the things I said. I needed to be sure that the woman who my son broke my laws for was going to be strong enough to last. He can be... Hard to handle."
Dolly wiped her eyes, "This was a test?"
Odin nodded, "I offer you my apologies and my blessings."
Logan lit his cigar, "You're a right bastard Odin putting my grandbaby through all that."
Odin squinted, "Ah Logan... I heard you were her maternal grandfather..."
Logan puffed the cigar, "You ever put her or her family through this emotional bull shit again we're having words."
Odin sighed, "As for Dolly's parents you have done a wondrous job raising a brave kind loving soul."
Bucky wiped his eyes touched by his daughter's words and actions, "Thank you."
Odin turned to Loki, "Be worthy of her love son."
Frigga walked passed Odin smacking him, "Pompous old fool! How could you do that too them!"
Odin scowled, "I needed to-"
Frigga shook her head, "Had I known his stupid plan I would had stopped him. Let me show you to your rooms. Tomorrow we have a celebration feast for you before you return home."
Frigga lead them away. Nat hugged Dolly, "Thank you."
Dolly leaned on her, "Love you mama."
Steve kissed her cheek, "I can't believe you told a king let alone a god to fuck off."
Dolly blushed, "Sorry... Heat of the moment."
Bucky paused walking and stared at Dolly. "Daddy?"
He didn't say anything just pulled her into his arms, "I love you baby girl... I-I..."
Dolly held him as he cried, "I love you too Daddy."
Bucky pulled back wiping his eyes, "Best thing I ever did with my life was being your dad."
Dolly blinked tears away. Loki smiled, "Come we could all use some rest after that."
They all agreed and followed Frigga to their rooms.

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