Baby's first steps

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Dolly Barnes was 10months old when she came into her father's life. She had so many people come to give her squishes and squeezes, but her favorites came from the big dark haired man she knew was her father. Mommy had his picture and talked about him all the time. Dolly missed her mommy, but the nice lady with red hair... Nat was cozy and reminded her of mommy.
Dolly was playing with some of her new toys when she realized she needed a daddy cuddle.
Dolly looked up and saw him talk to the blonde lady... Pepper[not as nice as Nat, but she was ok] she thought about crying, but those cuddles were tense and not happy. So; Dolly decided there was only one option... She'd have to get to him... Somehow.
Bucky tended to stick around the tower and help out with security when ever Happy had to be away. Today he was working with Pepper on security for an outdoor charity event. Dolly was playing with some toys on a blanket not to far away and Jarvis would alert if something major was going on.
Bucky was lost in thought when he felt Pepper tense and frantically tap him, "Bucky look!"
Looking up he saw Dolly pull herself up turn and begin toddling to him.
Pepper quietly said, "Jarvis please record events in main room."
Speachless Bucky stared as Dolly with her bright blue eyes and wide smile took unsteady steps.
Bucky stood then crouched with arms out, "You got it you're almost there."
Dolly made it to him and squished his cheeks, "Dada!"
Bucky scooped her up, "That's right you found daddy."
Pepper smiled and wiped her eyes, "Jarvis can you send the video to the team?"
Jarvis announced he would. Pepper patted Bucky's shoulder and left him and Dolly alone.
"I am so proud of you Doll! You walked all by yourself!" Bucky let a tear fall. Dolly tilted her head and pouted, "Dada?"
Bucky sniffled, "It's a happy tear baby daddy is so proud of you. Steve's gonna be mad he missed it."
Dolly kissed her daddy's cheek and cuddled into him suddenly very tired.
Who knew walking and talking would drain you?!

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