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Dolly and Loki sat on his bed as they waited for the timer to signal that they could check the test.
"You know this is silly. I'm not even late yet..."
Loki smiled and held her hand, "Mother hinted at it to me when you visited and Logan said you scent changed."
Dolly looked confused, "My scent?"
Loki smiled, "It is subtle, but he's right."
Dolly blushed, "What do I normally smell like?"
Loki took her hands in his and kissed each palm before kissing and nuzzling her neck, "Spring and lilacs."
Dolly couldn't stop the small coo that came from her lips as Loki wrapped his arms around her, "What do I smell like now?"
Loki traced her eyebrow watching her eyes sparkle, "Still like lilacs, but a little like pine and winter."
Dolly smiled, "That's how you smell to me like crisp pine on a sharp cold winter morning."
She leaned into him kissing his lips inhaling his scent, "I love you didi."
Loki deepened the kiss pulling her back on to the bed, "I love you too my precious Midgardian."
They exchanged kisses and caresses until the timer went off. Loki sighed as Dolly giggled, "Do you want to look first?"
Loki stood and pick up the test.
He brought it to her, "Dolly... Does this mean what I think it does?"

Dolly froze; looked up at Loki then looked back to the test, "You're not using magic to fool me are you Loki?"Loki shook his head, "I swear it pet

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Dolly froze; looked up at Loki then looked back to the test, "You're not using magic to fool me are you Loki?"
Loki shook his head, "I swear it pet... Does it mean..."
Dolly began to cry, "Loki... I'm having a baby. I'm having your baby."
Loki went to his knees and kissed her tummy, "Hello little one."
Dolly laughed, "We need to check with Bruce now and confirm that and find out how far a long and oh how are we going to tell everyone."
Loki froze, "Your dad is going to kill me. If he doesn't Steve might."
Dolly kissed his cheek, "I'll protect you."
They went down to Bruce's office, "Hey munchkin what brings you here?"
Dolly shyly smiled and held Loki's hand tight, "Ah can you run a test or 2 for us?"
Bruce blinked, "You..."
Dolly showed him the positive test, "We want to make sure."
Bruce looked to Loki who beamed with pride, "Congratulations. Let get set up."
A few suspenseful minutes later....
"Well Dolly; Loki you're going to be parents."
Dolly grinned as Loki kissed her temple, "Can you not tell anyone yet?"
Bruce nodded, "I'll do my best, but you know there are no secrets here."
Dolly blushed, "I know."

Bucky's BabyWhere stories live. Discover now