When the past comes calling

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Everybody stared at the person on the screen. A man in a red mask walked in and turned on the computers and machines. He typed something into the computer and then as if magic...or like a ghost vanished into the system.
"What did we just watch? Who was that?" Dolly asked.
Sam, Thor and Loki all shrugged.
Bruce squeezed his eyes, "Not possible. I..."
Tony sat back, "How would he have gotten in..."
Nat looked to Steve and Bucky, "Was it really?"
Bucky nodded. Steve turned and punched a hole in a wall.
Dolly put her foot down, "Someone tell me who that was?!"
" Johan Schmidt... Red skull." Steve looked over to Dolly, "The founder of Hydra, but I killed him..."
Steve Rogers snuck aboard the Hydra plane Johan was flying.

Steve sat with his head in his hands, "I... I saw him die."
Loki placed a hand on his shoulder, "The tesseract merely stored his soul... The question becomes who released him and what he plans to do now."
"I am very impressed with your skills." A stereotypical villain with a monocle looked down at a young woman. A young man scoffed, "I'm the one who had to steal the damnable cube."
The woman looked at the robot before her. He wasn't what Stark had hoped; nor was he what the monocled man wanted. He was something else... Something that would not bend to the will of his makers. He was like her and her brother... A tool no more.
The robot did something unexpected[well not unexpected by her]; he attacked the man killing him, "I am no one's puppet."
She smiled, "Nor are we."

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