A walk in the Asguardian gardens

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Loki tried to get his mother to explain what she meant, but she only smiled and patted his cheek.
Loki went back towards the guest suite to see if Dolly would like a walk in the gardens before retiring to bed.
He smiled looking forward to having her in his arms every night.
He gave a brief pause before knocking; fatherhood? He shook his head and knocked.
Steve answered, "Hello Loki... Dolly Loki is here."
Steve opened the door and allowed Loki to enter.
Loki smiled to see his fiancé and family gathered around the living area, "I was wondering if I could tempt you with a walk in the gardens before bed?"
Dolly smiled, "I'd like that."
She stood and walked toward him. Bucky shook his head as they walked out, "I am never going to get use to them... Do you remember when Dolly would get scared of storms and run to us?"
Steve sat next to Nat kissing her cheek, "Yeah... She crawl into bed and lay on Nat as we sang or told her stories."
Nat sighed, "When did she grow up?"
Logan gave a sad smile, "I'm sorry I missed out on so much."
Nat laughed, "Oh don't worry you'll be a great grandfather very soon... I am sure."
Bucky rolled his eyes, "I don't wanna think about that."
Logan smiled, "It does not get easier... Laura; my oldest daughter has peculiar taste in partners that make me question her most days."
Bucky sighed, "Dolly's first boyfriend Matt made me wonder too."
Steve chuckled, "I remember! Dolly had known him since kindergarden."
Nat poured some wine, "Matt was a nice boy, but Dolly always knew one day she'd get her prince."
Dolly leaned her head on Loki as they walked, "It's beautiful here."
Loki smiled, "Until recently it was one of my favorite spots to relax."
Dolly tilted her head genuinely interested, "Where's your new favorite spot?"
Loki paused and pulled her closer, "In your arms."
Dolly blushed, "Very smooth didi very smooth."
Loki smiled then kissed her. It felt like ages since he was able to claim her.
He cupped her breasts deepening the kiss making Dolly moan slightly, "Stay the night with me mijn liefde."
A hand slid into her hair giving a gentle tug arcing her neck so he could lay kisses and little love bites over her pulse points.
Dolly moaned, "Loki..."
His other hand slid down to her waist holding her so she could feel his want and need through her jeans, "Please... Say yes."
Dolly blushed as her body heated with desire and need, "Loki I-"
Just then a booming voice called out, "BROTHER!"
Loki rested his forehead against hers, "Please let me stab him pet..."
Dolly laughed, "No stabby my prince."
Loki sighed and called back the spell that had hidden them, "What do you want you oaf!"
Thor smiled, "Ah there  you are! Sister?! Oh... I didn't..."
Dolly laughed, "It's alright Thor... I should return to my rooms."
Loki kissed her hand, "Dream of me?"
Dolly whispered into his ear, "You my sweet prince had better dream of me."
Loki blushed as Dolly kissed his cheek and walked back to her family's suite.

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