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Dolly was greeted by Head master and founder Charles Xavier as well as Jean Grey; his assistant, "Dolly welcome to the school."
Dolly smiled, "Thank you. I am very happy to be here."
Jean handed her some paperwork, "Your class will have about 15 students ages 8 to 13. The younger students you'll have all day like a regular school, but the older students you'll only have part of the day for Language arts."
Dolly nodded as she looked over the basic daily schedule, "I understand that in cases of emergencies you may need me to stay over night; my family may or may not weasel their way to keep their eyes on me." Dolly laughed, "I can try to dissuade them, but-"
Charles smiled, "Truthfully in the case of requiring you to stay extra hands are welcome. The children are our main priority, but as you know better than most some things cannot be avoided."
Jean agreed, "Besides the kids will enjoy meeting new people."
Charles lead the way to Dolly's classroom, "Ellie is one of our top students. She graduated early is pursuing a degree in electrical engineering."
Ellie walked beside them, "I am going to do a summer internship at Stark Tech."
Dolly smiled, "You'll love it. Tony tries to work one on one with all the interns."
Ellie blushed a little.
Jean nodded, "One of the reasons we chose you to fill the spot is to show the kids that they can have regular lives; they don't have to try and be... Well..."
Dolly nodded, "Heroes... I grew up with it and well I like my quiet little life."
Dolly walked into her class and was met with smiling faces.
"Hello Professor Xavier!" The children greeted.
Charles smiled, "Students this is Miss Dolly; starting Monday she will be your new teacher."
Dolly waved, "Hi everyone."
Jean introduced the woman teaching, "Ororo has been temporarily teaching the class."
Ororo smiled, "It is nice to have you Dolly."
Dolly shook her hand, "It's nice to meet you as well."
Logan knocked on the door, "Munchkins you be nice to Miss Dolly... She's my granddaughter."
Everyone laughed. Loki stayed hidden in the hall nervously bitting his thumb.
Dolly looked over at him and worried. She turned to the class, "Well... I will let you get back to learning and I will see you all on Monday."
Ellie went to help Ororo as everyone stepped into the hall.
Dolly introduced Loki, "Professor Xavier; Jean this is my fiancé Loki Odinson."
Loki shook both of their hands. Charles smiled, "Thank you for coming to see our school."
Loki tried to chuckle, "Well I had to see where my future wife would be spending her day from me."
Dolly blushed, "Loki..."
Loki kissed her temple.
Charles and Jean exchanged a nod, "You are welcome to guest teach a course on illusion and magic casting any time."
Logan snickered, "Or hell even Asgard."
Loki looked amused, "I may take you up on that."
Dolly felt a flutter in her stomach. She liked that idea, "Well I will get out of your way for now. I've lesson plans to work on. I will come in tomorrow and submit them."
In the car on the drive back Loki held her hand and thought about what Logan had said; could it be true?
Suddenly Dolly turned green, "Loki... Pull over Ima be-"
Loki immediately pulled over. Dolly opened the door and was sick. Loki conjured a bottle of water, "Dolly are you well?"
Dolly shook her head, "I... I don't know. Ever since we got back from Asgard I've felt a little off."
Loki tried to hide his smile, "Dolly my love... Do you think maybe..."
Dolly stared at him like he'd grown a third head.
"No... Wait... Do you think... Oh God..."
Loki chuckled, "I'm right here."
Dolly elbowed him, "You know what I mean."
Loki took her hand, "Would you be-"
Dolly smiled and nodded, "If I am would you be happy?"
Loki kissed her forehead, "More than happy."
Dolly sat back, "When we get home we should find Bruce."
Loki nodded, "Ah... Or we could get one of those store tests."
Dolly giggled, "You're not afraid are you? I'll protect you."
Dolly kissed his hand. Loki chuckled, "Let's just say I am overly cautious."
Dolly shook her head, "We'll get a store test and based on what it says then we'll decide if we need to talk to Bruce."
Loki kissed her, "Thank you mijn liefde."

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