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A few weeks after Dolly's birthday Bucky heard her crying, "Hey Doll what's wrong?"
Dolly only whimpered. Bucky felt her forehead; she was warm to the touch, "Jarvis can you ask Bruce to meet me in the lab?"
"Right away Sargent Barnes." The AI voice responded.
In the lab Bucky offered comfort to his baby girl, "I know sweetheart..."
Bruce took Dolly's temp and looked her over, "I'm not a pediatrician, but I think she's teething."
Bucky looked over in disbelief, "Teething can cause a fever?"
Bruce patted the little girl's back, "It can. Give her the infant Tylenol Nat made you buy and give her a cool bath; I'll call Dr. Cho and have her come by and double check ok?"
Bucky sighed, "Ok... Thanks Bruce."
The scientist smiled, "Anytime Bucky."
Back in his suite Bucky bathed Dolly and put her in a clean diaper and laid her in his bed. He could beat up a 1,000,000 bad guys but he couldn't fight what was making his baby girl feel yucky.
"Doll I am sorry I wish I could take it all away." He laid beside her and patted her back.
Dolly blinked tiny tears and sucked her thumb.
In the morning Bucky woke with a start, Dolly wasn't in bed with him. Panic set in as he frantically raced out his room.
He heard a Russian lullaby being softly sung from Dolly's room.

Nat was rocking Dolly, "I know you're there Barnes."
Bucky stepped in, "I forgot you had a lovely voice."
Nat smiled over the sleeping child, "Jarvis alerted that Dolly was ill and when I came into check you were sleeping and she'd just woken up."
Bucky smiled, "Where's Steve?"
Nat stood putting Dolly in her bed, "Morning run with Sam."
Nat carefully tucked the blanket she had made around the sleeping baby, "She's running warm; what did Bruce say?"
Bucky swallowed a lump, "He thinks she might be teething, but he is calling in Dr. Cho for me."
Nat nodded, "She has been a bit extra drooly."
Nat lead him out of the room, "I'm sorry if I over stepped."
Bucky shook his head, "No it's ok... I know Steve checked in for a bit to make sure I wasn't having night terrors."
He took her hand, "I couldn't do this with out you guys."
Nat leaned in and gently kissed him, "Thanks for letting me be in her life."
Bucky blushed, "Nat..."
Nat leaned over and kissed him again, "There's no rush... Both me and Steve... Well... If you ever-"
Bucky cut her off by kissing her, "I know... I'd like too... Maybe we can talk about it tonight?"
Nat smiled, "Ok."
Dr. Cho looked over Dolly, "Whelp Sargent it appears that Dolly is a healthy 1yr old who is getting her back molars in."
Bucky sighed, "Thanks Doc. Sorry I dragged you out here."
Dr. Cho smiled, "I don't mind at all." She went over basic information with him about infant oral care and foods good for toddlers to practice chewing, "Make sure you are chopping things small for her."
Bucky thanked her again and headed to find Steve and Nat.
In the kitchen Nat gave Steve a summary of the morning. He smiled excited to know his friend was gaining some of his old self back.
When they were growing up Bucky often lead him when it came to encounters with women. Nat reminded him of a shared girlfriend they had before the war. Steve kissed Nat's forehead, "You're pretty special Romanoff."
Nat winked and kissed him.
Bucky walked in carrying Dolly who reached for Nat's banana, "Nana Nat."
Nat chuckled and gave her a piece, "Here ya go."
Bucky smiled, "You got everyone wrapped around your finger Doll."
Steve patted Bucky on the back, "It's the Barnes charm."
Bucky blushed, "Speaking of that did Nat mention I wanted to talk tonight?"
Steve grinned, "Yeah she did."
Bucky nervously fiddled with putting Dolly in her high chair, "I was thinking we could have dinner tonight and talk after I put Doll to bed."
Nat giggled, "Ooo! Does that mean you're cooking?"
Bucky laughed, "Yeah I'll cook."

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