Dolly's park adventure

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Steve and Nat became Dolly's official god parents; even though all the Avengers claimed her. Tony likes to play the role of eccentric uncle. Bruce finds having her around calms him and the other guy unwilling to come out and frighten tiny girl. Peter treats Dolly like a little cousin reading to her and playing with her. Sam tries to be the cool uncle bringing gifts.
In a blink of an eye Dolly was 3yrs old.
Nat and Steve sat at small table and had a tea party with Dolly; who was dressed in her finest plastic jewls, "Prince Teef more tea?"
Dolly asked.
Steve smirked. Dolly had a hard time with certain sounds his St and v being some, but he didn't mind when she called him Teef, "Why yes Princess Dolly thank you."
Dolly turned to Nat who was wearing a plastic crown and rainbow feathered boa, "Princess Nat another scone?"
Nat tipped her cup, "I should pass, but you are such an excellent baker." She went to take a "bite";
Dolly leaned in seriously, "They're not real..."
Nat chuckled. Bucky came in, "I hate to break up the tea party, but Prince Steve and Princess Nat are required by Tony for an important meeting with Mr. Fury."
Steve stood and kissed Dolly on her head, "We'll have to play again later."
Dolly pouted, "How come I never get meetings with Mr. Fury?"
Bucky knelt down and brushed his daughter's cheek, "How about you and I have a super secret meeting without them?"
Dolly's eyes lit up, "Really daddy?" Bucky nodded and stood taking her hand.
Nat smiled, "Hey now..."
Dolly whispered, "If you tell me I'll tell you ok?"
Nat put her hand out, "Pinky promise."
Steve smiled at his family. He may not be blood, but he'd do anything to make that man and those girls smile.
Nat stood and kissed Bucky's cheek before taking Steve's hand, "Be good."
Dolly beamed up at her father as her other adults left, "Can we have our secret meeting at the park?"
Bucky chuckled, "Where else are secret meetings?"

A man sits at a table in a starship surrounded by a green woman, a burly gray skinned man, a raccoon and a small tree, "Ok so the job would take us to earth to snatch some fancy smancy jewel encrusted egg."
The raccoon thought, "Why pay so much for something so..."
Bucky pushed Dolly on the swing as she giggled, "Higher daddy!"
He smiled and pushed her a little higher. His daughter's soft brown hair blew in the breeze. Bucky's heart felt full.
After a few moments Dolly wanted to go play with the other kids on the jungle gym fort thing. So Bucky sat on a near by bench and tightened up Dolly's shoes, "Ok... Doll stay close and don't go off without telling me ok?"
Dolly nodded, "Ok!"
He sighed as she ran off.
The raccoon marched along side the tree, "Now you did it!"
The tree grumbled, "I am Groot."
The raccoon turned, "Oh no! Don't you take that tone with me!"
The man turned, "Both of you knock it off! We gotta find that egg!"
The raccoon mumbled, "He dropped."
The man sighed, "Rocket we'll assign blame later..."
Rocket sneered, "Well Quill you gave him the egg so there blame solved."
The tree excited jumped, "I am Groot!"
Both turned to see a dark haired little girl pick up the egg.
Dolly wanted to find something pretty for Steve and Nat. She already had a cool flower for her daddy. There were a few cool shiny rocks. Looking over to the bench where daddy was she waved and he waved back. Dolly went back to looking for treasure. That's when something sparkly caught her eye.

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