Weird Science

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"This is absolutely madness." Bruce looked over the information on the USB drive, "It's an odd mix of alchemy and real science."
Tony looked over to Bruce, "But it can be done. I've already salvaged Jarvis... We can do this."
Dolly leaned on Loki, "As long as I don't have to play bride of Frankenstein."
Loki grinned, "I think your dark hair would look lovely teased with a shock of white."
She rolled her eyes and elbowed him.
Wanda nervous twiddled her hands, "What if this one is worse than Ultron?"
That was the question everyone wanted answered.
Pietro hugged her from behind, "It maybe a risk we have to take."
The plan was set. Loki and Wanda would provide the magic and Thor the power. Tony and Bruce would run the program.
Everyone else would sit back and keep their fingers crossed.
Dolly yawned and cuddled into her father, "You should go get some rest Doll."
Dolly tried to argue, but yawned again. Steve shook his head, "You use to fight this hard to see Santa Claus too."
Dolly smiled, "Almost caught him a time or two."
Nat took her arm, "Come on baby you've been through a lot go rest."
Dolly conceded, "Just a little nap."
Nat tucked her in, "spokoynoy nochi, moy malysh." [Good night my baby]
Dolly almost asleep replied, "spokoynoy nochi mama." [Good night mama]
Nat wiped a tear away and quietly shut the door.
In the lab everyone did their part. Loki and Wanda cast the circle. Thor called the lighting to power everything; while Bruce and Tony ran the program.
Suddenly the android on the table sprung up.
He turned and looked at everyone, "He's here."
A shadow watched Dolly sleep, "They took everything from me now... I won't let them have you too."
Gently he picked her up.
Dolly stirred and opened her eyes; slow to focus it took her a few moments to realize what was going on.
She screamed loud enough to echo in the halls, but it was too late as he rocketed off as the team came running in time to only curse their lack of forethought.

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