Nobody can keep a secret

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Loki and Dolly walked down the hall from the lab after seeing Bruce. They whispered and giggled to each other.
As they entered the the main room Wanda and Pietro were setting up for family game night.
"Oh Dolly! Pietro wanted to know if you could make the snack..."
Wanda paused and smiled widely.
Dolly's eyes went wide, "Wanda... Don't say a word."
Loki shook his head, "Miss Maxinoff please don't tell."
Pietro came up and leaned his head on Dolly's shoulder, "Don't tell what?"
Loki sighed and Dolly shook her head. Wanda smiled, "If we told you Pietro then that would be telling and I promised I wouldn't."
Pietro shrugged, "Dolly can you make that snack... People chow?"
Dolly nodded, "Yeah. I'll start on it now Loki wanna help?"
Loki smiled, "Of course."
In the big main kitchen Dolly started gathering ingredients, "So... Ah we haven't talked much about the wedding..."
Dolly looked up at Loki who smirked, "I suppose we really should."
Dolly leaned into him and whispered, "We're having a-"
Dolly jumped when Vision phased in through the wall, "Oh holy shit you scared me Vis."
Vision tilted his head, "Oh... I should have used the door."
Loki held Dolly tight, "Yes... Though the kitchen is a community space...."
Vision nodded, "Dolly... I was wondering if I might ask a favor?"
Dolly shrugged, "Go for it."
Vision looked thoughtful, "Would you and Loki mind if I monitored your preg-"
Dolly jump and covered the AI's mouth. Loki cast a scared bubble, "Vision... How did you know?"
Vision carefully took Dolly's hands off his mouth, "Friday and I still interface. She let's me know the status of all living here so that I can be of better assistance."
Dolly heaved a breath, "Vision we have not told anyone yet. Bruce only knows because he administrated the test."
Loki sighed, "Wanda knows because she's still new to her gifts and accidentally read us."
Vision still seemed confused, "Why keep it secret?"
Dolly and Loki exchanged a look, "We just do."
The AI pondered, "Very well. I can keep it secret."
Dolly smiled, "I don't mind you monitoring the pregnancy; just don't tell anyone but me Loki or Bruce if there is something that you sense ok?"
Vision smiled, "Very well Dolly."
Loki released the scared bubble and Vision left.
Dolly laid her head in Loki's shoulder, "This is gonna be hard."
Everyone gathered for family game night.
Tony and Pepper set Morgan up with her bottle and blanket in her playpen. Neither of them expected to have a child; it's why they were happy they got to adopt Peter, but surprise! In their late 40's they found out Pepper was expecting.
Peter brought along his girlfriend MJ.
Rhodey and Sam carried in pizzas along with Clint and his new protégé Kate Bishop.
Wanda teased Pietro about something in Sokovian.
Thor smiled and made eyes at Nat's sister Yelena who either didn't notice or didn't care, "I still can't believe after all this time... You've a secret family."
Dolly smiled, "Nat would tell me stories about you and her growing up. I always wished I had a sister or brother growing up."
Loki mumbled, "It's not all sunshine and roses."
Thor sat up, "It's true sister. Loki took great joy in turning himself into things only to poof and stab me."
Loki snickered, "And yet you'd still pick up anything you saw..."
Nat grinned and noticed that Dolly kept patting her stomach.
Steve smiled, "I was an only child; though I Bucky and he was like a brother."
Bucky sighed, "I was the oldest. It was my job to look after the younger ones."
He sipped his beer, "I hated changing all those diapers."
Steve began to laugh, "Speaking of diaper changes... When he first brought Dolly home...."
Dolly was mortified as Steve recounted the tale of her diaper blow out, "That did not happen!"
Bucky was red, "No... No it did. I hadn't changed a diaper in 80 years or more..."
Loki kissed Dolly's temple, "I am sure you were adorable."
Dolly shook her head, "I need a drink."
Thor reached in his jacket for his flask, "Ah I have just the thing."
Dolly paled, "No... It was just an expression. I am happy with my juice."
Thor shook his head and poured her a shot, "Nonsense! Here...."
Dolly shook her head no Loki snatched the shot from him and downed it, "Oh my the burn..."
Everyone stared. Bucky stood, "Doll..."
Vision observed the room and tried to break the tension, "Did you know the brewing of alcohol was considered scared work."
Dolly laughed and Bruce leaned over, "I figured it wouldn't have lasted this long."
Loki smiled and Dolly blinked, "I... Well... See..."
Bucky stared at Loki, "Run."
Loki frowned, "Pardon?"
Steve stood, "Buck..."
Bucky repeated, "Run... Run now."
Loki's eyes went wide, "Oh shit."
Dolly stood, "Daddy please..."
Loki ran. Bucky chased after him, "You knocked up my little girl!"

Tony laughed, "Friday get this on film!"

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