Dolly's first day of school

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"What if my teacher is mean?" Dolly asked as her family sat around the dinner table.
Bucky used his real hand to brush his daughter's cheek, "Well if they are you tell me or Nat or Steve and we'll talk to them."
Dolly poked the peas around her plate, "What if the kids are mean?"
Bucky looked to Steve and Nat for help. He hated the idea of sending Dolly to school. Nat leaned over, "Well if they are tell the teacher and if they don't listen tell us ok? Never be afraid to tell us anything ever."
Steve smiled, "Princess they'll love you and you'll make new friends. I met your daddy in school."
That made Dolly smile, "Was Nat there too?"
Steve and Bucky chuckled; Dolly pouted, "What?"
Nat leaned over and kissed Dolly's head, "No little one. I went to school in Russia."
Dolly nodded, "Oh..."
Nat winked. The three of them promised never to lie to Dolly, but there were some things to hard to explain to a 6yr old.
Dolly thought real hard, "Ok... I guess I'll go to school."
Bucky chuckled, "Don't forget Peter will probably be in your class helping the teacher sometimes."
Dolly smiled, "Petey!?"
Steve grinned. Peter had taken on a big brother role for Dolly always offering to babysit, "Yeah. His school offers school credit for helping in the elementary school."
Dolly's first day of school everyone met down stairs. Tony Pepper Peter Bruce Rhodey Sam as well as Steve and Nat. Everyone took pictures with Dolly. Bucky tried not to cry.
Dolly started to feel crowded and decided it was time to go, "Jarvis!"
The AI answered, "Yes Miss Dolly?"
Dolly looked around, "Promise to watch the tower!"
The AI answered, "Yes Miss Dolly have a good day at school."
Dolly straightened her back pack, "Ok... I'm ready "
Bucky took her hand, "Ok Doll here we go."
Bucky walked Dolly to her class, "Ok Doll... What are the rules?"
Dolly fidgeted, "Do what the teacher says. No fighting. No going with strangers even if they say they know you or Steve or Nat. They gotta have the password."
Bucky softly smiled, "And the password is?"
Dolly bounced, "I am Groot!"
Bucky nodded, "And even if they know the password you don't have to go with them if you don't feel safe ok?"
Dolly nodded.
Bucky swallowed a lump is his throat as he stood and walked her into the classroom.
A young woman turned around, "Good morning. You must be Dolly Barnes."
Dolly shyly nodded. Bucky extended his hand, "I'm Dolly's father."
The teacher smiled, "I am Mrs. April and my co teacher is Mr. Robert."
A tall man walked over, "Dolly would you like to put your bag in your cubby and sit on your favorite shape for story time?"
Dolly looked up to her father who gently nudged her, "It's ok Doll."
Mrs. April smiled, "I understand it can be hard letting them go."
Bucky blinked, "Yeah... Umm Dolly has a strict pick up list. I know it's a lot of people, but only those people are allowed to take her. We have a password in emergencies."
Mrs. April nodded, "I understand. Being a parent and an Avenger comes with the added need for precautions."
Bucky looked over to see Dolly sitting on a diamond listening to Mr. Robert tell the story. Sighing he thanked Mrs. April and went back to the tower to wait.

 April and went back to the tower to wait

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Dolly decided she liked school. She liked learning new things and couldn't wait to tell the others!
Recess was fun...until an older boy started to bully one of her new friends.
"Hey! You shouldn't be mean to people smaller than you."
The boy stalked toward her, "Shut up or I'll punch you."
Now Dolly who had grown up watching all her family[ Bucky Steve Nat Sam Bruce Rhodey and sometimes Tony] training to fight knew you should never hit unless you had to; wasn't sure what to do. She stood tall; almost as tall as the older boy, "No! You need to be nice."
The boy was getting mad and pushed Dolly.
Dolly pouted and stood, "My Steve says all bullies are cowards."
The boy glared at her and stepped forward to push her again, but Dolly pushed back first. The boy landed on his backside, "Be nice!"
Mrs. April smiled, "Go Dolly."
Bucky picked Dolly up from school and she ran straight to him excitedly talking all about her day, "But then a mean older boy started to push my friend Matt. I told the boy to be nice but he pushed me down I got back up just like I see you do when you train with Steve and I told him that bullies are cowards. He tried to push me again, but I pushed him first and he landed on his bottom with a plop. Mrs. April said it was good I stood up for my friends, but I should have told first before I pushed him back."
Bucky was furious! Some snot nose brat pushed his little girl, "We'll... You should only hit or push as a last resort, but if someone is hurting you I want you to fight back ok."
Dolly looked confused, "What's a last resort?"
Bucky thought, "It means when words aren't working."
Dolly skipped into the living room, "Ok daddy."
As he watched her run into Nat's arms Steve came behind him, "What's wrong?"
Bucky sighed, "Dolly was pushed at school. She was standing up to a bully who was picking on her new friend."
Steve tried not to smile, but he was proud of her. Bucky turned, "It's your fault. She quoted you. I swear to God if I have a mini you running around..."
Steve laughed, "Sorry Buck."

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