An Asgardian baby check up

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Dolly smiled as the healer went over her stomach, "The babes are strong Princess Dolly, I agree with your Dr. Banner they are grown to 4 or 5 months instead of 2 or 3. That may increase your likely hood of early labor."
Dolly nodded. Loki held her hand, "But everyone is healthy?"
The healer smiled, "Yes Prince Loki. When you arrive back to Midgard remind the doctor and other healers not to be alarmed if the babes are born blue."
Dolly sat up, "What do you mean?!"
Loki sighed, "Relax mijn liefde... Blue is the natural coloring of Frost giants."
Dolly frowned, "But you aren't blue."
Loki kissed her, "I change my appearance... You've seen me alter it many times "
Dolly relaxed, "You're right sorry, just... I want them to be healthy."
Dolly held his hand.
Frigga invited Dolly to a private tea, "I hear the twins are healthy and strong."
Dolly blushed, "They are. Both the healer and Bruce said they are bigger than expected. Bruce thinks that is because of the frost giant genes."
Frigga smiled, "More than likely. Loki was small for a Frost giant baby. I still remember Odin putting him in my arms."
Dolly hugged her mother in law.
Frigga sighed, "Now Thor was a large baby oh gracious. Thank the Norns for the healers."
Dolly smiled, "What about Hela?"
Frigga got quiet, "Hela is Odin's daughter from his first wife Jord. She died in child birth. I... She was a sweet child, but... She had a darkness that followed her. When one of her potential suitors died after a shared kiss Odin banished her to Niflheim."
Dolly wiped a tear away, "How sad."
Frigga nodded, "She has a lot of anger built towards Odin, but I can't blame her."
Frigga sipped her tea, "I love my husband, but some days...."
Dolly giggled.
Loki took Dolly's hand, "Are you ready my sweet?"
Dolly sighed, "I think so."
Loki kissed her, "Send us home Hemdail."

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