Dolly's 1st birthday

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Steve and Nat hunted Poky puppy décor and spent all night decorating the big main room.
Tony hired a baker to bake a Poky puppy shaped cake and a "smash" cake just for Dolly.
Bucky was up most of the night sad he had missed those first months of Dolly's life. He wished Eveanna had told him. He would have protected her.
"You know hindsight and all I guess I should have." A ghost of a voice whispered.
Bucky looked up, "Eveanna?"
A shy smile played on the ghost's lips, "I am not haunting you... I'm not even sure this is real."
Bucky pulled her to him, "I'm so sorry..."
Eveanna's ghost cupped his cheek, "Don't be. You gave me the best gift; I'm the one who is sorry."
Bucky let his tears fall as Eveanna's ghost smiled down at her daughter, "You won't let her forget me ok?"
Bucky shook his head, "I promise."
Eveanna smiled, "Good... Nat and Steve are good for her... And you."
Bucky blushed as Eveanna's ghost laughed, "I am flattered it took 2 Avengers to replace little Ole me."
Bucky squeezed her hand, "No one could replace you."
With a light kiss the ghost of Eveanna faded, "You're a good father James."
Bucky blinked slowly awake from a strange dream and checked on Dolly who was still sleeping, "I love you Doll."
Dolly woke up and looked around. Was today a special day? It felt special. Rubbing her eyes she stood up in her crib and called for her father, "Dada!"
Bucky came in and picked her up, "Happy birthday baby girl!"
Dolly giggled and kissed him on his stubbly cheek, "Birfday!"
Bucky laughed has he changed her diaper, "That's right! You're 1 today!"
Dolly held up her fingers trying to figure out 1.
Bucky couldn't help his joy, "That's this many."
He put down all but 1 of her fingers and laughed as she giggled, "1!"
Dressing her Bucky carried her out into the big main room to see Poky puppy everything everywhere.
"Jesus Christ! It's like the book threw up in here." Bucky spun around as he sat Dolly down.
Nat and Steve came from the hall holding hands, "What? You don't like it?" Nat asked with a grin.
Dolly grabbed Steve's hand, "Teef! 'Ook puppy!"
Steve laughed, "I see pumpkin; do you like it?"
Dolly hugged him tight as he picked her up, "You know... Auntie Nat helped."
Dolly squirmed to run to her. Nat scooped her up, "Happy birthday baby girl."
Dolly held up a finger and yelled, "1!"
A new face was in the kitchen cooking, "Hey Barnes Nat told me you were a dad now, congrats."
The man smiled and waved at Dolly with the spatula he was using; she giggled and yelled, "BIRFDAY!"
The mystery man chuckled, "Is today your birthday?"
Bucky sat Dolly in her high chair, "Thanks Clint; how's Laura and the kids?"
Clint smirked, "Good. They'll be here to help celebrate little miss's big day. How old are you?"
He asked putting a plate with a cut up pancake and banana in front of her.
Dolly danced in her place, "1!"
Clint chuckled turning back to cooking, "I hope you don't mind; Nat thought it would be fun for her if there were some kids to play with; even if they're older."
Bucky smiled, "I don't mind. Thanks for coming."
All sorts of people came for the party and brought presents for Dolly.
Happy Hogan gave Dolly a fuzzy blue elephant.
Peter Parker gave her a wooden trinket box that played music, "I made it myself." Dolly loved opening it to hear the sound.
Jarvis announced that a jet had landed on the roof.
Bucky took Dolly up to greet who landed.
T'challa his sister Shuri and Ayo as they got off the jet.
T'challa greet them with a smile, "Ah so this is the little wolf cub."
Shuri chuckled, "I knew you'd be ok."
Ayo quietly watched Dolly watch her. Dolly leaned forward toward Ayo. Bucky chuckled, "I she wants you to hold her."
Ayo a proud warrior of Wakanda nervously took the child. Dolly looked at her and hugged her. Ayo looked over to T'challa who grinned, "Children often know things we only can wonder."
Ayo cuddled the little one, "She's adorable Sargent Barnes."
Shuri eagerly took Dolly, "It's my turn!"
Dolly giggled at the young princess. "We brought you all sorts of gifts!"
Bucky sighed, "You didn't have to-"
Shuri rolled her eyes, "Brother tell him it's our right!"
T'challa laughed, "We are honored James."
Peter came rushing up, "Ah Mr. Bucky sir... Oh man you're king T'challa..."
Peter bowed. T'challa tried to stop him but Shuri thought it cute, "And does the Princess get no bow?"
Peter squinted, "You're the girl who won the international science Olympiad for robotics."
Dolly wiggled out of Shuri's arms and toddled to Bucky.
Shuri smiled, "And you're the boy who almost beat me."
Peter was more awestruck, "Your set up was amazing!"
Peter began singing Shuri's praise.
T'challa sighed and Bucky had to stop him, "You were looking for me Pete?"
Peter blinked, "Oh yeah Da- Tony I mean Mr. Stark he wanted to know if we could open more presents."
Bucky laughed, "We still have more presents."

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