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"I have the location sir." The AI Jarvis announced.
Bucky blinked, "Sokovia."
Steve shook his head, "We're gonna bring her home."
Peter stepped in, "I'll come too!"
Bucky looked at him, "Kid no. You're still healing."
Peter fought tears, "It's my fault she was taken. I wasn't-"
Nat hugged the boy, "Peter it's not your fault. No one blames you."
Steve swallowed a lump in his throat, "She's right. You did your best and that bastard was just-"
Bucky sighed, "Pete... I need you to stay here and keep an eye on the scum for me. I don't trust that this might not be a distraction to break him out."
Peter nodded, "Yes sir Mr. Bucky."
Agents Coulson and Hill walked in followed by Clint Barton. Clint was suited up, "I have the jet ready. Coulson and Hill will help Peter hold the line."
Bucky nodded as Steve gave the order, "Let's go get our little girl."
Loki found himself in a position he never imagined; a small child huddled against him for warmth and comfort.
Dolly tried not to cry or be scared. She had to be brave just like her daddy or her Steve or her Nat, but it was so hard.
"Loki... Can can you tell me a story or sing me a song?"
Loki the God of mischief sing to a child? He went to object, but her blue eyes shiny with tears prieced his cold hear.

Dolly smiled and felt a little less scared.
Zemo watched cameras, "How did you know he would bond with her?"
A older man smiled, "It's amazing isn't it?"
Zemo sighed knowing he would not get a straight answer, "How do you know he'll do what you ask if you threaten the girl?"
The older man grinned, "How do you know the girl's father will?"
Zemo followed him, "Because a father will do what ever he has to to protect his family."
The older man hummed in agreement, "Loki is a fascinating subject. I have studied him often... Ever since the incident in New York."
Zemo smirked, "Dr. Selving you are a man after my own heart."
Dr. Selvig smiled.
Suddenly an alarm blared.
"You swore they couldn't find us!" Zemo cursed.
Dr. Selvig rolled his eyes, "Well clearly they have!"
Zemo picked up his mask and his electro shock weapon, "You better hope You escape before Thor finds out you kidnapped his brother."
Dr. Selvig sighed.

Bucky managed to find an old service door, "I'm in."
Steve sighed in relief, "Ok... You go through there; we're coming through the front."
Loki noticed the rushing of guards, "I think your family is here my little Midgardian."
The cell door opened and Zemo and two guards entered, "Grab the girl."
Dolly tried to hide behind Loki who fought them. Zemo hit the button, but nothing happened.
Loki sneered, "What now you sniveling mortal?"
One of the guards grabbed Dolly, but she fought back, "No!"
Zemo stepped in and aimed a gun at the child, "Quit fighting or I'll shoot her."
Loki stopped. His eye caught a shadow, "You wouldn't shoot her. You need her."
Zemo, "I wouldn't test me Loki."
Loki grinned and stopped fighting. Zemo stood straighter and went to speak when he felt a cold metal barrel against his head, "Give me one reason other than my daughter would see that I shouldn't kill you here and now?"
Zemo smiled, "I don't think I can Sargent."
Bucky took Zemo's gun away and moved toward his front, "Dolly baby you ok?"
Dolly ran to her father who picked her up one handed, "I was so scared!"
Bucky never took his eyes off Zemo, "You're safe now Doll. Loki... Can you use your magic-"
Loki winked, "With great pleasure."
With a wave of his hand Loki knocked him out. Bucky radioed, "I have Zemo unconscious. Loki is with me and so is Dolly."
There was a collective sigh of relief.
Steve replied, "I'm sending you Clint who will secure him. Thor has Dr. Selvig who confessed to kidnapping Loki under his orders."
Dolly wrapped her arms around Bucky, "Are we going home now?"
Bucky kissed her temple, "Yeah Doll. We are."

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