Blast from the past

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"What do you mean I had a daughter?" A man dressed in a white beater tee paced the posh office.
"Logan," an older man in a motorized wheel chair tried to calm him, "We only just made the connection our selves."
Logan turned to him, "I still don't understand Charles..."
The man sighed and handed him a file, "Dolly Barnes is an applicant we are considering for our primary grade program. She's an excellent prospect."
Logan opened the file and saw a picture of Dolly; looking up he rolled his eyes, "Charles? None of that explains why you think she is my daughter."
A red headed woman smirked, "Granddaughter actually. Dolly is the daughter of James Barnes."
Logan faced her, "And who is that Jean?"
Jean turned on a holoscreen, "You probably remember him as Sargent James Barnes you fought along side him and his partner Captain Steve Rogers."
Logan smiled, "Captain America and The Howling Commandos, but Barnes was killed in action."
Charles shook his head, "Unfortunately he wasn't. He was found by Hydra and subsequently made into the Winter Soldier."
Jean played a video clip on the holoscreen, "Rogers rescued him and with the aid of the Wakandans Sargent Barnes was able to be rehabilitated and joined the Avengers."
Logan was losing patience, "Great for him... What does that have-"
Jean shook her head, "We require outside applicatiants to submit to a DNA test to test for related mutants."
Charles pulled up a new graphic, "We were not exactly expecting a hit for Dolly. Her father having been given a super soldier serum, but she pinged... On you."
Jean laid a hand on Logan's shoulder, "Doing a genetic trace we were able to figure out that you are her grandfather... Her mother's father."
Logan sat in a chair, "How?"
Jean laughed, "The usual way..."
Logan looked up, "I know I have a bit of a Cassanova reputation, but..."
A knock on the door interrupted them and a white haired woman enter. Jean looked up, "Ororo just in time."
Ororo smiled, "Sorry I'm late. Professor... I have the file."
Charles took it from her, "Dolly listed James Barnes as her biological father as well as a Eveanna Jones as her biological mother."
Logan sat up, "Evie? She was..."
Everyone went quiet, "I was working with Stryker and met a woman named Evie Jones... She was a clerk at SHIELD...  some years ago... We fooled around, but she was with a guy Brock Rumlow... She chose him and I went into the Weapon X program... She never told me..."
Ororo held her friend's hand. Charles lowered her head, "It appears that Evie Jones died during her daughter's birth and Rumlow is listed as the girl's father name her after her mother. This was arranged by Alexander Priece."
Jean pulled up another graphic, "Since the fall of Hydra and the release of once classified documents we know Eveanna; your daughter, was subject to testing by Hydra Dr. Jasper Hall. He discovered Eveanna had a genetic mutation called CIP congenital intolerance to pain as well as a very unquine ability to resist Hydra's attempts at brain washing."
Logan's heart began to break for the daughter he never met, "How'd she get out?"
Ororo smiled, "Somehow a young Nick Fury smuggled her out."
Logan stood, "I want to meet her and my granddaughter."
Everyone was silent, "Logan... Eveanna was murdered when Dolly was just an infant." Jean said sadly.
Logan turned, "By who?" Jean... Who?"
She looked to Charles who nodded, "The police claim it was a random act, but... Witnesses discribed a man who looked like Sabertooth; Victor -"
Logan let out an angry howl.

"Stay asleep baby please..." Eveanna pray as she hurriedly hid her daughter in a closet before half hazardly hiding under her bed.
"I know you're hiding niecey poo." A deep male's voice boomed.
Eveanna had no idea who this was.
"Ah there you are!" The male grabbed her foot and dragged her out, "Where is the baby?"
Eveanna shrieked, "The sitter!"
The male sniffed her, "You're lying."
Eveanna tried to fight; feeling no pain and being filled with adrenaline helped, "Go to hell!"
The man held a gun to her head, "You first."
Sirens began to wail and the let out a roar dropping Eveanna and stormed out leaving Eveanna to crawl to the closet to see Dolly just beginning to wake, "I... Love... You..."
A loud crack of thunder rang out waking Dolly from a nightmare.
Loki pulled her closer to him, "Hush mijn liefde... I'm right here."
Dolly cuddled him, "Sorry..."
Loki kissed her forehead, "Do you want me to sing for you?"

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