Growing up

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Dolly Barnes was growing up. Bucky watched her sitting at the table in the kitchen working on a school project.
"Daddy?" Dolly called to him.
Bucky walked over, "Yeah baby girl?"
Dolly sat up, "Did you always want to be a soldier?"
Bucky sat across from her, "No not always... When I was your age I wanted to be a baseball player. Steve and I use to listen to all the Dodger games."
Dolly smiled up at him, "When I grow up I wanna tell stories."
Bucky grinned, "What type of stories?"
Dolly began to tell him one of her stories.
A few years later....
Dolly nervously straightened the skirt of her royal blue gown, "I don't know if I can get up there and read my poem."
Bucky and Steve turned to face Dolly. She had grown up so fast. At 13 yrs old she was nearly as tall as Nat.
Bucky didn't know where all the time had gone.
Dolly twiddled her fingers and Bucky reassuringly took her hands, "You don't have to ever do anything you don't want to ever."
Steve smiled, "Your dad's right. We're proud of you."
Dolly shyly smiled. Nat came into the room and gave Dolly a small box, "We got you something to celebrate your award winning poetry."
Dolly opened it and laughed, "It's the Poky little puppy."
Dolly held a charm bracelet that had the Poky little puppy charm dangling off it.
She hugged Nat Steve then Bucky; who put it on her wrist. Dolly wiped her eyes, "I love you guys."
Bucky cupped her cheeks, "You're the best thing I ever did in my life Doll."
Dolly hugged her father tight.
Nat and Steve stayed back smiling. Dolly turned around and hugged them both, "Thanks for being my family."
In the big main room Tony Pepper Peter Sam and Rhodey waited. Sam grinned and hugged her, "There's my girl! Youth Poet Laureate!"
Dolly blushed as Sam gushed.
Rhodey rolled his eyes, "You're making her nervous Wilson."
Sam pfffffted him as the others hugged Dolly, "You ready to read your poem?"
Tony asked.
Dolly nodded, "I think so."
Steve looked around, "Everyone ready?"
Tony grinned, "Not quite... Ok come out now."
From a side room Thor and Loki came out. Dolly's eyes went wide as she rushed to hug Thor and then Loki, "I can't believe you came!"
Loki grinned, "I wouldn't dream of missing such an important night for you my little Midgardian."
Dolly blushed.
Everyone gathered up to head to the ceremony that Dolly would accept her award at.
On stage Dolly fiddled with the pendant Loki had given her, "Before I read my poem I wanted to thank my family; my father James Barnes and my other Co parents Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. Because of them I am standing here today."
Nat and Steve were in awe. Though they did think of Dolly as also their daughter they never expected... Nat wiped tears away as did Steve Bucky squeezed both of their hands, "That's our girl up there."
Dolly stood tall and read her poem, "In the rubble and the dust she stood the tears welled up in her eyes and overflowed her heart. The sun shone down while dark storm clouds gathered. Her brothers sent to fight on foreign shores while her mother stands tall and her father crippled and weak from other battles salutes. "Mother Liberty and Father Freedom be proud of your children." She stands watching the banner still wave in the twilight's last gleaming. Her siblings maimed and killed by an evil horde; she takes a small step to pick up a pebble to remember and never forget. Again a voice calls out, "Be proud Mother Liberty and Father Freedom your sons and daughters fight for you." A tear falls from her eye."
Dolly finished and the theater was so quiet; suddenly applause thundered echoing the halls.
Dolly blushed and curtsied. Steve looked to Bucky, "Did you know that was the one she was going to read?"
Bucky shook his head no. Nat was speechless.
Tony threw a huge party in Dolly's honor. Dolly stuck close to her family though, "I think Tony invited all of New York."
She told Peter.
Peter chuckled, "Dolly what was your poem really about?"
Dolly looked down and blushed, "Well... I wrote it about Dad Steve and Nat."
Sam leaned forward, "How is it about them?"
Dolly grinned, "Mother Liberty that's Nat. Father Freedom that's Steve and Dad he's actually the scene he's the rubble and dust. I know he got hurt in a war and bad things happened to him, but Steve and Nat they helped him. And me well my job is to remember and never forget."
Bucky gave his daughter and sad smile. He should not be surprised she saw and understood.
Dolly began to doze against Loki's side. She might appear to be grown up, but she was still a child.
Loki protectively wrapped an arm around her and motioned for Bucky, "I believe that our young bard is due her rest."
Bucky grinned and scooped her up. Dolly mumbled, "I not sweepy daddy."
Bucky chuckled, "Ok baby girl."

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