I'll cry if I want to

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Dolly sat at her vanity and stared at her reflection.
It was her 21st birthday and though she was really happy she also wanted to cry.
She looked at a picture of her with her parents. Bucky Steve and Nat. She chuckled because the photo was taken at her 4th grade parents night and it was one of the rare public occasions where all three were out as a throuple.
Dolly knew how lucky she was. Her dad could have easily left her to the foster care system or just handed her off to be raised solely by Steve and Nat or someone else, but he chose to be there for her. He always put her first and made sure she was loved. Even on nights he had bad dreams and couldn't center himself somehow he put his best self forward for her.
Dolly stared in the mirror and took note of her looks. She had the same brown hair as Bucky. Her blue eyes had become a darker blue than his over time. Steve often said she was broody and scowled just like Bucky.
Dolly smirked because on more than one occasion she had gotten in trouble for fighting bullies and Bucky would declare Dolly was a mini Steve.
Dolly pouted. When she was little she was sad when she realized she'd never get red hair like Nat.
Dolly was a little taller than Nat, but still short compared to Bucky or Steve. Her body shape to her dismay was that of a curvey linebacker; or that's what she called it in private.
She normally didn't mind her full figure, but she accidentally over heard some of the boys at school talk about how hot Nat was and they didn't really understand how Dolly was her daughter.
Dolly was flustered about it and walked away.
And that lead to the pity party Dolly was currently having in her room instead of being out in the big main room.
A knock on her door pulled her back to reality.
"Dolly? Are you ok?" Bucky's voice called.
Dolly sighed and opened her door, "Hey dad..."
Bucky wrinkled his brow, "Baby girl you've been crying... What's wrong?"
Dolly let her dad in, "Dad... Can I ask you something?"
Bucky sat on her bed, "Always... Honey are you ok?"
Dolly sat beside him, "What did my birth mom look like?"
Bucky wrapped his metal arm around her side and held her hand with his real one, "Eveanna? Well she was a tiny thing; like maybe 5ft even...."
Bucky let himself go back in time to meeting her the first time....
Bucky went into the dive bar following his mark. Clint asked him to check into some guy his sister was dating.
The guy had a gambling habit and this was where he met his bookie.
The barmaid though drew his attention. She was tiny 5ft, dark brown almost black hair, skin so white it was porcelain; and curves. She was a built for a man like him to ride hard then cuddle. His brain went to foggy mush when she smiled.
He had been out of Hydra's control for a few years and hadn't really wanted anything physical. Hydra didn't just make him kill... He shuttered at the memories and turned away back to his mark.
The guy was disagreeing with the bookie when he shoved the guy.
Bucky's reaction was to ready for a fight.
The bar maid made her way over and broke it up; pushing both men apart. The mark pulled back to swing and before Bucky could stop himself he was hauling the guy outside, "You don't ever hit a lady."
The mark stuttered and cursed walking off.
Bucky checked on the barmaid, "I'm James..."
She smiled, "Eveanna..."
Bucky looked at his daughter, "You look a lot like her Doll."
Dolly smiled, "You really were smitten by her huh?"
Bucky blushed, "Yeah..."
Dolly felt better; she might not be all waife-like like Nat, but she did learn how to be a kick ass femme fatle from her, "Ok... Pity party over... I need to finish up dressing."
Bucky kissed her temple, "I love you Doll."
She smiled, "I love you too Daddy now scoot. I gotta finish dressing."
Bucky rolled his eyes and stood to leave. He looked back and for an instant he didn't see the adult his daughter was becoming, but the little girl she use to be... "Happy birthday Dolly."

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