You kidnapped the wrong girl part2

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Dolly's head hurt. Slowly she sat up and looked around, "What the hell..."
A cool metal hand traced her cheek, "You're awake."
Dolly froze, "Where am I?"
The hand pulled away, "Sokovia..."
She swallowed a hard lump, "Why... Why did you bring me here?"
The voice sighed, "This was the only place that had everything I needed..."
Dolly looked up into the face of Ultron, "What is it you are trying to do?"
Ultron stood, "I told you... Bring peace... To do that the world needs to evolve..."
Dolly looked around and saw two people whispering, "And who are they?"
Ultron turned his head, "The Maxinoff twins... They see my vision."
The sister stepped up, "You never said anything about the world needing to change. You only said we'd punish the Avengers."
Dolly looked over to her, "And what's your beef with the Avengers?"
The brother hugged his sister, "We were 10 when a Stark missile hit our building."
The sister wiped her eyes, "Our parents died... Then a second one hit, but never exploded."
The brother sighed, "We waited 2 days while the town tried to rescue us. 2 days of waiting to see if Stark industries would kill us too."
Dolly sighed, "I'm sorry."
Ultron stood and circled them, "See... The Avengers are just a symptom... The world must evolve."
Dolly blinked, "And how do you propose that we do?"
Ultron took Dolly's hand, "A push. You... Oh you sweet Dolly will be my Eve... Eve to my Adam."
Dolly blinked, "You're mad!"
The sister stood in front of Ultron, "You swore... You promised no innocent people would-"
Ultron cut her off, "Wanda... Some scarifies will need to be made. You and Pietro know that; after all look what you gave up to become more."
Wanda looked over her shoulder at Dolly, "Why her? Why the daughter of your enemy?"
Dolly's mind suddenly was filled with an apologetic voice, "I am so sorry this wasn't... Please... Help us."
Dolly gave her best doe eyed expression; trying to look as scared as she felt when she saw a USB stick and grabbed it as Ultron was distracted with Wanda.
Ultron was not aware of the exchange in Dolly's mind or of her sticky fingers, "Dolly is my friend. She was the only voice in the dark..."
Ultron side stepped Wanda and again took Dolly's hand, "I know all of your secrets even the ones you don't."
Dolly tried to maintain her composure. She only had one shot. She tried to remember Nat's voice, "Everyone will underestimate you because you're a girl; use that to your advantage."
Dolly's hand shook. Ultron mistook that for fear, "It will be painless my Dolly; I promise."
Dolly lifted her eyes to meet his and a second too late he saw the fire of anger flaring.
Dolly used her whole body to punch through the robot's chest, "Pain is relative." She then pulled her fist back and watched the body fall.
She looked up to the twins, "Don't just stand there...RUN!"
As the light went out of the shell another body was coming into consciousness, "Dolly!"
A voice echoed as they ran."
Outside the team landed to alarms going off. A handful of soldiers fought, but were easily over come.
Loki and Bucky lead the charge inside when they saw Dolly emerge from a corridor, "Dad!"
Dolly ran into Bucky's arms.
Bucky checked her over, "Doll! Are you ok?"
Loki cornered the twins, "Get her out of here. I have these 2."
Dolly put her hand on Loki's arm, "No... They're with me. We gotta get to the jet though."
Wanda and Pietro followed Dolly as she quickly explained to Bucky and Loki.
On the jet Nat and Steve fussed over Dolly, "Let me see your hand Dolly."
Steve reached for it. Dolly rolled her eyes, "Steve..."
Bucky tilted his head, "Let him see Doll."
Dolly raised her hand. Nat winced as she traded spots with Bruce, "Does it hurt?"
Dolly shook her head, "Just a dull ache."
Tony stared at the twins unsure of what to say to them, "How do we stop him?"
Dolly looked up, "Stop him? Well... He wants to evolve so... We get there first."
Dolly took her other hand and got in her pocket, "I swiped this as we ran. It might hold answers."

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