When I change clothes I jump to my bed, take my laptop, my books and a pen and start studying. A knock on my door stopped me from studying. I look at the time. It's been 30 minutes already.

"Come in" Derek enters with a plate of food.

"Take a break".

"It's only 30 minutes".

"Okay then. I'll leave it here and eat whenever you want".


"I'll be downstairs" I nod and he walks outside.

For food he brought me beans, steak and fries. I hate the beans but I have to eat them I guess. He will be pissed if I don't so whatever. While I was studying, I was eating too. After 5 hours, now it's 7 pm, I'm done. I have to go to the forest. The moon is nearly up. I quickly grab my phone and rush downstairs.

"We didn't train and I'll remember that" he turns around and chuckles.

"Want me to give you a ride?".

"No. I'll walk. See you later".

"Good luck".

I rush outside and walk in the woods. I can hear someone running but I can't understand a lot. I look at the sky. The moon is up. Shit. Liam. I turn my eyes to blue and look around. I can hear him clearer so I run there. I see Liam running around so I jump at him and drop him at the ground. He is still a werewolf. I shift at all too and stare at him. He attacks me but I drop him down. When he stands up, he pulls me against a tree and scratches my arm. I roar in pain but after I look at him. I push him and he falls down. I breathe heavily and look at my arm. It's bleeding but I start healing. He breathes heavily and I look at him. He shifts back to normal and is at the ground panting. I shift and walk near him. I kneel down and he looks up to me.

"I'm sorry" he says in a low voice.

"It's alright. I healed. You didn't hurt me and no one else in general".

"I should control myself".

"It's not easy, Liam. It's really difficult to learn how to control yourself. I can't control myself at all either".

"You are an Omega".

"It doesn't make it easier".

"How do you keep yourself calm?".

"I don't know".

"That doesn't help" I chuckle and pull my hand out for him. He takes it and I stand him up.

"The bite is a gift and it will help you a lot".

"I don't want it to be honest".

"I know and I'm sorry that I bit you. I didn't want to do this to you".

"Don't worry about it".

"Well. You have the power and the strength to fight against someone better than you. The problem is if you have the will to cooperate with me. I'll try to help you as much as I can but it won't be enough if you don't cooperate with me".

"I will. At least I try".

"Are you sure about that?".

"Even if I had said no, nothing would change. You can't take the bite back".

"If you had said no then the training would be hell for both of us".


"Just look at us, Liam. We are kids. Kids that are IEDs and can't control themselves at all. If we don't help each other, someone of us two will die".

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