I grab my two bags and Ethan tracks down a cab. 

We hand the cab the address and he drives off. 

I rest my head on Ethan's shoulder, finally feeling safe. 

After all these years, I felt safe. 


We arrive at the house and Ethan pays the cab, then we grab our bags and stand out front of the house. 

"Are you nervous?" I ask him. 

"No. Are you?"

I look up at him. "Of course. I mean, I haven't seen him in so long, Ethan."

He hugs me. "It's going to be alright."

I feel myself start to shake, getting that familiar feeling that I get when I would get into trouble. I hate this feeling. 

"Hey, you alright?" He asks me, knowing there's something wrong. 

I smile. "I'm alright."

"Listen, we're getting a fresh start, okay? We've saved up all this money and soon it will be just us two, okay?"

I nod my head. 

Ethan and I had been planning for a couple months now to leave New York City and go to a different state. We didn't know what state to go to, so I picked Washington since I knew that my family was there. I hadn't talked to them in years, though. 

Ethan and I walk up to the doorstep and I knock on the door. 

The door opens and I see Krist standing in the doorway. 

His tall, freakish self. 

His eyes widen at my presence. "So, you're Kaitlyn?"

"So you're Krist," I smile, trying to be as friendly as possible. I don't want things to start off on the wrong foot. 

"And that's your boyfriend?" He eyes Ethan. 

I nod my head. 

"Come in," He steps to the side and allows us to walk inside. 

His house is kind of small, but the living room is right in front of us, so Ethan and I walk to the couch and set our things down. 

Krist stands in front of us and that is when I notice how tall he is. In the pictures that I have seen him in, he looked tall, but when you seeing him in person feels like he's a lot taller.  

"This is my boyfriend, Ethan," I introduce him to Krist. "Ethan, this is Krist."

"Nice to meet you," Krist sticks his hand out and shakes Ethan's hand. 

"Nice to meet you, too," Ethan smiles. 

"You look oddly familiar."

"My full name is Ethan Hawke. I've been in a couple of films, but my most popular one so far is 'Dead Poet's Society'."

"Holy shit!" Krist exclaims, making me flinch and start to shake a little. "That was you?!"

I can't tell if he's mad or angry, but either way, I get a little startled. 

"Yeah," Ethan chuckles proudly, but notices me starting to get nervous. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and rubs it softly with his thumb. 

He always did that for me. He knew that it calmed me down and helped me everytime.

My Heart is Broke-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now