story 102 - part 1

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Kie's POV:

I dated his guy in college for three years and we almost got engaged but then we broke up. The breakup was super hard on me. He just ended things one day. It had been about six months and I was moving back home to OBX with my parents. It wasn't ideal but it was whatever. I graduated six months ago and I had to go to school to pick up my diploma.

I was with the pogues in my college town for the weekend. It was just a fun little road trip down to Florida with my best friends. We were staying at a cheap hotel and we were starving so I was running into town to pick up dinner.

"Will one of you please come with me?" I asked

John B and Sarah didn't want to go and Pope and JJ did rock paper scissors. JJ ended up losing and he was forced to go with me. We got in my car and drove to the place where we were going to get food at and it was closed. Everything was closed so we headed to the grocery store to get a few things.

JJ and I were walking in the store putting things in the shopping cart when I saw Cole, my ex-boyfriend.

"Shit" I whispered as JJ saw why I said that

Cole spotted me and I walked over to him and he had a girl with him. JJ was still a few feet away in the produce.

"Hi, Kiara"

"Hi" I said not wanting to have a conversation

"How have you been?"

"I've been great, you?"

"Incredible, I'm actually engaged to Kate now" He said as Kate smiled

"Wow, that's great. Congrats!" I said pretending not to care even though I still loved him

"Don't worry, Kiara. You'll find someone" Kate said like the bitch she was

"Oh, actually I already found someone. It's funny because we're also engaged" I said regretting the words that just came out of my mouth

"Really?" Cole asked shocked

"Yeah, JJ!" I called and he walked over

"This is my fiance, JJ. JJ, this is Cole and his fiance Kate"

JJ shook their hands and played along. We talked for a bit and Kate asked, "Where is your ring?"

"We've been busy surfing and at the beach all day. I don't wear it as I'm scared to lose it in the ocean. I just forgot to put it back on" I said lying

"Babe, you're always forgetting to put it back on" JJ said and he placed his hand on my lower back and holy shit that gave me butterflies

We finished with the small talk and then we grabbed the rest of the stuff we needed, checked out, and left the store. We were in my car and JJ asked, "So when is our wedding?"

"Shut up, I panicked okay?" I said so embarrassedly and JJ just laughed

"Thank you for playing along"

"Why do you still like that guy? He's a total dick"

"I know he is. He cheated on me with my roommate, Kate. I don't know why. I'm trying to get over him"

JJ and I agreed to keep the whole fake engaged thing to ourselves. We never planned on seeing either one of them again so it didn't matter. A month later, I got an invitation to the wedding. I was just going to decline it and not go but JJ said we should go. We went online and he ordered a fake diamond ring for my engagement ring.

JJ and I were driving to Florida and we were planning out our story to tell Cole and Kate. It was a long drive so we took turns. I was wearing the engagement ring to get used to it. We arrived at the resort and the place was super nice. We checked into our hotel room and I laid out our clothes for the wedding tomorrow.

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now