story 40

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Kie's POV:

We had been on Pougelandia for about 24 hours now and today we were exploring the island. We came across a small house and we could tell someone was living here. John B knocked on the door and someone opened it.

She was a younger girl, maybe in her early 20s. She had perfect blonde hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a bikini and she was looking right at JJ.

"What are you doing here?" She asked confused

"We just kinda ended up here by accident," John B said

"Well, I'm Hannah and I've been living here for two years, My dad bought me this private island after graduating high school. I get a shipment of clothes, food, all the things about once a month. My next shipment is coming in two weeks so you are all more than welcome to stay here with me and take the boat back to the mainland."

"Holy shit, your dad bought you this island?" JJ blurted out in disbelief


We had been talking to Hannah for a few hours and she walked back with us so we could grab the rest of our things. We were back at her house and we made a fire and we actually got to eat real food. Hannah was next to JJ all the time and he was constantly flirting with her.

We all slept outside in the fresh air and the next day, JJ and Hannah went off to surf. Sarah came up to me and she asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

"Hannah is totally stealing JJ from you"

"Yeah, I don't care. It's JJ, you know him. He is going to hook up with her." I said annoyed but trying to hide it

Sure enough, that night when we were all sitting around the fire, JJ and Hannah were making out. They got up and went inside and I was trying to act like I didn't care. Everyone just looked at me like they felt bad for me.

"It's not a big deal. It's JJ, we all know this is just what he does." I said playing it off

We all slept inside and we could hear them from inside. It was now dark and I quietly cried myself to sleep.

JJ and Hannah were hanging out all week. They were constantly having sex and going off on their own. They came back and Hannah asked JJ to stay on the island with her. I couldn't hide this anymore. I got up and I walked off towards the ocean so I was out of sight. I broke down crying and Sarah was right there with me.

She hugged me and I said, "I love him..."

"I know you do. I saw it on the lifeboat, but I think you've loved him for a long time. You just didn't want to admit it to yourself."

"This is why you're my best friend."

"Fuck Hannah!" Sarah said

"Yeah, that's what JJ is doing.." I said crying

I calmed down and we went back to the group. JJ and Hannah were gone and Pope hugged me.

"I'm sorry that JJ is too damn stupid to see how much this is hurting you," Pope said which shocked me

The next day, we were all hanging outside and Hannah said it was her chore day. She had to go gather freshwater, chop some fire food, pick some berries, and get things cleaned up as storm clouds were heading towards the island tonight. We all worked together to get the chores done fast. The clouds were moving in fast. I was scared and I usually wasn't scared of storms.

I was on a mission to go back to our original spot and grab the lifeboat so it didn't blow away just in case we needed it. I reached the boat and I was walking back and it started to rain. I was in the middle of the woods and I was getting worried.

"Kie! What the hell? Why would you leave before the storm?" I heard JJ yell and my heart started racing

"I was saving this damn boat because what if Hannah is lying and we need to get away?" I yelled back softly

It started raining and there was thunder and lightning.

"Fuck!" JJ screamed in his angry voice

He grabbed the boat and propped it up to use as a shelter and he tied it to the trees. We both sat under it as it was pouring. There was hail, thunder, and lightning. We didn't say anything to each other. We both just sat there.

"You can leave if you want to," I said as I didn't want him to feel forced to stay

"I'm not leaving you alone." He said firm

"Since when do you care?" I asked bitchy

"I've always cared, Kie. You fucking know that. I've always protected you and I always will. I just don't understand why you almost fucking died trying to save me. You should have just let me drown."

I looked at him so confused by his words. "Why would you want to die? I couldn't live with myself knowing that I couldn't save you. There were two things that were going to happen in that ocean. One is that we both made it out alive but if John B wouldn't have shown up when he did. Then I was going to hold onto you as we drowned together."

JJ was now the one in shock hearing that I almost died with him.

"Why? Why would you have drowned with me? I'm literally no one. I'm a stupid pogue from the cut with nothing going for myself. No money, no future, a shitty abusive dad, a mother who left me..." He yelled back as we had both been screaming at each other

I lowered my voice and softly said, "You are JJ Maybank. You live on the cut and you work hard for everything you have but material things don't matter to you. You spend your time helping your friends and developing strong relationships with them. So strong that you've made a family for yourself. You don't need your parents to have a family, you already have one who you love and we all love you for exactly who you are. You are so loyal to us, no matter what is happening in your life. You're always there for us. You've saved me so many times, J and it was my turn to save you. I can't live without you and I never want to."

JJ hugged me and he said, "Thank you, Kie..."

We sat there and just watched the storm. JJ and I decided that we should head back to the cabin as the winds were picking up. We were walking through the woods and we were being pelted in the face by hail and rain. It was hard to see and JJ grabbed my hand so we didn't get separated. We walked a half-mile and we could see the cabin in the distance.

We stopped and I looked at JJ and I kissed him. He stood there for a second before he kissed me back and he pulled my hips closer to his body. I broke the kiss and I walked inside and JJ followed.

Everyone looked at us both soaking wet as they asked us so many questions. I changed clothes and so did JJ. Hannah went and sat on his lap and kissed his neck and he just looked at me. I looked away and tried to pretend I didn't care.

It was late and everyone was asleep on the floor JJ came out of Hannah's room and he laid down next to me on the floor. He whispered, "You are the only one I want to be with on this island."

He pulled me into his arms and we both fell asleep. When we woke up, everyone else was already up. Sarah smiled at me and Hannah got up and called me a slut and said I stole her boyfriend.

"I was never your boyfriend. But she has always been the love of my life." JJ said looking into my eyes as he leaned down to kiss me

Our kiss broke and I said, "You've always been the love of my life"

Jiara - oneshots - part 1Where stories live. Discover now