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"Malfoy!" Potter shouts but she's already facing me, her eyes are already looking into mine and I'm already clutching tightly onto her.

"Granger how are y-"

Her wand is at my neck and everyone around us is frozen, their eyes are wide and there's silence. So much silence. Her stare is piercing and like a warning, one stating that if I even dare move a muscle she'll hex me into oblivion. I don't understand. I'm so confused right now. Why did no one tell me that she was alive? How is she alive? Why is everyone staring at us like we're a bomb that's about to go off? And why is she looking at me like she doesn't even–

"It would be wise of you to release my arm." She clips.

"Granger I-"

"I know all about you, Draco Malfoy." The way she says my name... it's like it makes her nauseas to even do so. "You may not be in Azkaban anymore but that does not mean you get to roam about like you're a free man. Let me remind you that you're here on a lengthy list of conditions. Violate a single one and you'll be sent right back to whatever cold and dark cell you just came from." My hand falls from her arm and she looks over my shoulder at Potter. "Keep him in line, you are his handler after all."

She's already walked away and most likely on the complete opposite end of the office but I'm still standing here and staring out in front of me where she had previously stood.

"I was trying to tell you..."

Turning on my heels, I take a quick step into him, my eyes darkening and jaw clenched. "What the actual fuck is going on Potter?!" He grabs my arm and drags me into a nearby office. Locking the door, he lets out an exaggerated sigh and removes his glasses, cleaning them with the bottom of his shirt.

"By all means, take your fucking time." I scoff.

"The letter I had sent you." He begins. "It was all in there."

"As you know, I didn't get a chance to read it, so if you don't mind reiterating what you had wrote that would be just splendid."

"We should really wait for Remus to-"

"No!" I shout, throwing a chair against the wall. "I'm done waiting! For the past three years I thought she was dead! Fucking dead Potter! And now I come to find she's been perfectly fine this entire time and you expect me to just sit around and wait for the human flea bag to arrive?" I'm on the verge of tears but I refuse to let them come forward, to let him or anyone else in this damn office see me break like that, even though I want to. I want to so fucking badly. She was there, she was right in front of me. I was touching her and she was real and she said my name and– "Please." My voice quieter – weaker. "I thought I lost her forever. Please, Potter, just tell me what's going on."

He motions for me to take a seat and when I remain standing, my arms crossed, he begins explaining everything to me and by everything I mean a whole lot of "we don't really know" and "we're working on it".

"You were early." He says. "You weren't supposed to see her yet, we wanted to talk to you first."

I'm even more confused than before. About a week after my trial she just happened to show up at the manor? My mother just happened to go downstairs and see her sitting by the fireplace? She just happened to call up Potter and let him know? And she just happened to be completely fine? Not a single scratch on her body or hair out of place? She was, all in all, completely okay and herself.. except for the fact that she doesn't seem to remember me... at all. I don't fucking buy it. It doesn't add up, it doesn't make any sense. I saw it, I saw Voldemort stab her, her pulse was gone. She was dead. She was gone. I grieved her, gods did I grieve her. I cried and screamed and begged and then I accepted and for what? For her to now look at me and only see the man whose file she was handed when they announced I'd be released into their custody? No.

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