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October 15 1997

"I have to give it to you Potter, you have a true talent of coming up with the dumbest fucking ideas."

"I don't see how it's dumb." He argues.

"Where to even begin?" I mock. "Let's start off with the fact that Godric's Hollow is the first place he had me send soldiers to."

"How many soldiers are on watch at a time?"

"Upwards of fifteen."

"Would you be able to get us past them?" Weasley asks.

"Obviously." I scoff, offended that there was even a hint of doubt in my skills.

"Draco." Granger's voice soft as she grabs my hand. Hell no. I know exactly what she's doing right now. "Will you get us past them?"

I let out a groan as I lean back into my chair. "Love, in order for this plan to work it sounds like I'll have to actually put in effort and you know how much I loathe that."

"Please? For me?" She asks, batting her eyelashes. What a devious little witch and what a weak fucking man I am for caving.

"Fine." I groan. "But not yet, there's some things I need to get in order first. I'll let you know when we can go on our little field trip."

October 27 1997

I've had Theo pulled from his France assignment which he was not at all excited about. He'll get over it. I need him here, not that he's of any use skill wise but he's someone I can trust to do what's necessary should things go sideways.

This whole escapade to Godric's hollow is already a major pain in my arse. I've had to completely rearrange the shifts so that the most dull-witted ones are on guard when we go. I did, however, leave a few of the higher skilled ones just to keep things interesting for myself, it's so boring when there's no challenge.

I've also put Theo on watch so that, if by some miracle, the other death eaters manage to find their competence I have some sort of assistance. Gods knows Potter and Weasley wouldn't be able to hit a target even if it was standing completely still, blockheads.

November 3 1997

"If you're lost on any part of the plan, let me know."

Potter slowly raises his hand and says "I'm lost."

"Thanks for letting me know, moving on."

"What the hell Malfoy?"

"I told you to let me know, I didn't say I'd do anything about it." I tell him. "Now, if you wouldn't mind shutting your oddly shaped mouth there's a few more things I need to go over."

Once I've finished explaining everything from start to finish Potter and Weasley break off to go get ready, I hope their getting ready involves them turning their brains on. Granger is sitting beside me, watching as I sharpen my knives. The way she's looking at me reminds me of how first years would stare at any of the older kids at the table in the great hall - complete awestricken.

"Remember this one?" I smirk, holding up the knife I once trailed along her bare skin. Her cheeks turn bright red as she bites down on her bottom lip. I would gladly bend her over this table right now but fuckwit one and two were repulsed just from overhearing last time so I doubt they'd be able to endure watching. Shame for them, perhaps they'd be able to learn a thing or two, not that they'd ever find a girl desperate enough.

"Do you ever miss using your wand?" She asks me.

"Yes and no. Yes because it takes far less work and no because there's something extremely satisfying about feeling the blade tear through their limbs."

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