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November 18 1995

As we're leaving the library Granger informs me that she wants us to sit down with Professor Snape.

"Ron told me that he is a skilled legilimens. I believe it would be highly beneficial to our research if we spoke with him." She says.

I'm about to tell her that she can interview him on her own if she pleases but that I will not be in attendance for the matter but before I can she speaks up again.

"He has set time aside for us this afternoon at 6."

I should have realized that her bringing up meeting with Snape wasn't a question but more of a formality. This is Granger we're talking about, of course she has already taken it upon herself to schedule the bloody thing.

"He seemed rather excited to discuss this with us which is a bit odd for him." Her eyebrows furrow.

It's not odd at all. Snape has tried to approach me many times on the matter. Constantly pulling me aside after class to ask how our research was going and suggesting that I should have no issues fully comprehending the material.

I've also felt him attempt to use legilimency on me before. Thankfully I'm not a fuckwit and knew exactly what he was doing. I would lower my walls and grant him full access to the countless disturbing thoughts within my head.

Just as we're about to go our separate ways she confirms the time with me once again.

"Yes Granger, I heard. 6 sharp and not a minute late." I drawl.


6:00 pm

For once I've arrived at the exact time I've been instructed to but of course she was early and is already deep in conversation with Snape as I enter the room.

"Mr. Malfoy." Snape's eyes landing on me. "How nice of you to join us."

I make my way over to where they are seated and remain standing, my back leaning against the wall and my hands shoved into my pockets.

"As I was saying Professor," Granger chimes. "Malfoy and I have recently discussed how valuable it would be for an occlumens to become skilled in legilimency as well."

"Is that so?" He replies, looking at me.

"Yes." She nods, her attention also directing over to me as she waits to see if I will do the honors of explaining. Once she realizes that I will not be she begins speaking again.

"The occlumens would be able to shut out the legilimens and be able to then turn the legilimency back on them."

Snape raises a brow and rests his arms on his desk, his hands folded.

"This is a rather advanced approach Miss Granger. I presume it was your idea?" He asks.

She shakes her head and looks over at me and then back down at her hands in her lap.

"No sir, it-it was actually Malfoy's."

"I see." He hums. "It seems you are not in need of my assistance with your research so what is it you wished to consult me for?"

"Actually, now that we are expanding our research into legilimency I was hoping you might be able to help us with that. Perhaps a demonstration?" She says.

Both Snape and I's eyes narrow at her request. A demonstration? Is this witch seriously asking for a professor to perform legilimency on her?

"Miss Granger, I will need you to be more specific." Snape tells her.

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