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November 27 1995

I haven't spoken with Granger for the past week or so. I've enlisted a third year to deliver my notes to her.

She's tried to approach me on occasion between classes and in the great hall but I always manage to slip away before she can reach me. 

Call me paranoid but I know there was more to her sudden interest in meeting with Snape. He's been annoyingly persistent on trying to gauge how skilled I am in occlumency.

At first he was at least a bit subtle but now he jumps straight to it. Saying that he can help me if needed in the future. Whatever the fuck that means.

Even if she was not somehow working with Snape on uncovering whatever the hell it is he's searching for it doesn't change the fact that she lied to me.

Her imperative need to always do well on assignments might have worked as a cover if I didn't know her so well. She has several obvious tells.

For example, stuttering. Granger is a very self assured person and speaks with confidence, unless she is lying. Another is she is physically unable to look directly into someone's eyes when not speaking the truth.

I could list off a handful more but all that matters is that she lied, I haven't a clue why and that is unsettling. There are many traits I don't like in people but the one that tops the list is being a liar.

"Here you go." The third year hands me an envelope and runs off.

Pansy tries to reach across the table to grab it but I swipe it away before her greasy hands touch it.

"What's in that envelope of yours anyway?"

"None of your business Parkinson."

Since my afternoon getaways with Granger have come to a halt I've been spending more time in the common room which means Pansy has spent more time attached to my hip.

Usually I'd tell her to piss off but since her incident with Inglebee I've mustered the strength to be kinder to her.

"Who cares about what's in that bloody thing." Blaise scoffs. "We have more important things to be focusing on."

He doesn't need to say anymore as I already know that he's referring to our quidditch game against Hufflepuff this coming Thursday.

In the past it's always been a clean sweep when going against them so we've never paid much mind to it but after what happened to Pansy the entire team has been itching to get their hands on them.

"I have a few new plays that I can't wait to put to use, specifically against Inglebitch." He says.

"Inglebee." Pansy corrects.

He waves his hand and rolls his eyes. "Same shit."

I'm honestly surprised that Inglebee is still playing, considering the makeover I gave him. Madam Pomfrey was able to salvage his foot but his hand is another story. He got off easy if you ask me.

Blaise is using the peas on his plate to demonstrate the several new plays he has created. At the very end he crushes one of them with his fork.

"That's Inglebee." He states before crushing another one. "And that one is Crawley. I never did like that bastard."

Crawley is the boyfriend of the girl that Theo has been rumored to have shagged last Wednesday. With his track record it's safe to say the rumors are true.

This upcoming match seems to be becoming more of a who can hit the other more times with a bludger than actually caring about winning, which I am perfectly content with.

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